Sleepy Harry (ageplay)

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Harry- Headspace 18 months

Liam- Daddy

Request from @hamatorenee . Thanks for the prompt!  


Harry awoke with a start at the sudden clap of thunder, hitting his left arm off the bar of his crib, and immediately started crying.

In his little brain, he had a lot of reasons to be upset. First of all, he was awake, and it was nighttime. He didn't want to be awake, he wanted to be asleep. Second, he was alone in his room. Harry didn't like being alone, especially at night when he was stuck in his crib. Third, there was a thunderstorm. Thunderstorms were one of his least favourite things. He wasn't scared of them, not really, but the thunder and rain were loud, and the lightning was really bright, making it hard to sleep and creating weird shadows around his nursery. Finally, he had hit his arm on the crib, and it hurt a lot.

"Harry, baby, what's wrong?" Liam asked as he came rushing into the room, having heard Harry's cries over the baby monitor he had set up. He asked what was wrong even though he was pretty sure he knew, being aware of Harry's dislike of being alone and of thunderstorms.

"Daddy! Da-addy!" Harry sobbed, reaching up for the man who was now standing next to his crib. "No, Daddy, up! Up!" He cried as Liam stepped away for a moment to turn on the lamp in the corner, casting a soft yellow glow over the room.

"Shh, Hazza, I'm right here, little one. I'm coming, you're alright. Daddy's here." Liam lowered the bars of the crib and lifted the distraught boy from his bed, holding him tight. "Hush, it's okay, Daddy's got you." He started pacing the room slowly, bouncing Harry gently in his embrace in an effort to calm him.

"Owie, Daddy!" Harry cried out loudly when Liam pressed on his injured arm briefly while adjusting his grip.

"What's owie, honey?" Liam asked, concerned.

"Armie, armie huwts!"

Liam was very confused. He was still fairly sleepy, as he had been woken by Harry's cries through the baby monitor, so his thinking process wasn't particularly clear. Before going to bed, he had been watching a war movie with Niall and Louis, so when he heard 'armie' his first thought was 'army', but he couldn't make sense of why Harry would be talking about the movie when he had been in bed. Unless he wasn't? But no, he couldn't climb out of and back into his crib without falling, he wasn't coordinated enough in his young headspace to manage that.

"What do you mean, 'army', Harry?"

"Armie, Daddy!" Harry waved his injured left arm at his Daddy, distressed that he didn't understand. When Liam took hold of the flailing limb, trying to prevent being hit in the face, Harry let out a near scream, which Liam immediately hushed. Looking closer at the boy's wrist, he quickly understood that Harry had been talking about his arm, as there was an angry red mark running diagonally across his skin. It started on the side of his forearm and stopped by the bone of his wrist.

"Oh, sweetie, did you hurt your arm?"

"Daddy, huwts! Loud, 'wake, huwts!" Harry wasn't always particularly great at stringing together logical sentences, but Liam considered himself pretty good at deciphering his meanings.

"Did the thunder scare you awake, darling? And then you hit your arm on the crib?" That would have hurt, hitting the bone on wood like that. Harry nodded, bringing his good arm up to rub at his teary eyes. "Can Daddy kiss your owie? Would that make it all better?"

"Pwease, Daddy?" Harry said, shoving the wrist toward Liam's face to be kissed.

"Woah, slow down little man!" Liam exclaimed as he caught the boy's hand before it hit his nose. "Don't hurt Daddy, now. Kissie time!" He placed an exaggerated kiss on the red mark, then another on Harry's forehead for good measure.

Harry yawned as Liam continued pacing about the room. It was the middle of the night, and he was quite sleepy. He rubbed slowly at his eyes with his hands, this time not to wipe away tears.

"Aw, Harry. Are you tired, love? Shall I put you back to bed?"

Harry nodded, but then shook his head emphatically. "No Daddy! No bed! Woney, woney bed."

"Sweetheart, your bed isn't lonely," Liam responded, used to his baby's late-night complaints. "You've got your blankie, and Mr. Bear, and Miss Mousie. That's a lot of things in your bed!" He tried to lay the once again yawning boy down, but Harry refused to let go, clinging stubbornly to Liam's neck.

"No! No wike! Wan' Daddy!"

"Daddy can't go in your bed, Harry. There's only enough space for one person. But Daddy can stay and sing you a song while you fall asleep. Would you like that?"

"Winkow staws, Daddy?"

"Yes, love. I'll sing that if you like." Liam smiled at his adorable boy, happily curling up in his crib now that he knows his daddy isn't leaving until he falls asleep. He tucked the covers around him, made sure all the stuffies were in reach, and slipped Harry's green dummy into his mouth.

Rubbing Harry's back, he sang 'Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star', not pausing for an instant when lightning flashes and thunder crashes. By the time he finished singing, Harry's eyes had drifted shut and his breathing had grown heavy and slow, so Liam gently stroked his hair off his face before whispering "sweet dreams" and tiptoeing out of the room.

I hope that satisfied your request! I wasn't quite sure what to do with it, so this was inspired by the fact that we have had about 5 thunderstorms in the past 4 days here. If it wasn't satisfactory, feel free to give me a different prompt.

Or just give me a different request anyways. It was fun to write something that wasn't completely from my own inspiration.

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