Harry (sickfic)

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"Urp." Harry blushed as he let out a small burp which he had been trying to contain. "Uh, excuse me."

Niall snickered, but Liam elbowed him. "Gross, Harry," he scolded.

Harry blushed harder and hid in the corner of the couch. He hadn't meant to burp out loud. His stomach had been cramping all day and he'd been letting out silent burps whenever the pressure got to be too much, but this time he just hadn't been able to keep it silent.

He sat silently for the next several minutes, hardly focusing on the movie the rest of the lads were watching. The pain in his stomach was too strong, the cramps pulling his attention away from the screen. He stifled several burps before one escaped his control.

"Urp." This time, Louis jumped at the sudden noise.

"Jeepers, lad, you scared me!" he exclaimed. "Can't you keep it down over there?"

"Sorry," Harry muttered, a bright red blush again coming over his otherwise pale cheeks. After a few moments, he got up, slipping out of the living room to the kitchen. He poured himself a large glass of water and brought it back to the couch, hoping sipping on it would help calm his stomach and stop the uncontrollable burping.

Unfortunately, it did nothing to help. The first sip sloshed in his stomach as it cramped and clenched. Harry had to stop himself from moaning as the cramps intensified. Another burp rose in his throat, and he held it in, feeling that if he let it out, he would be letting out more than just air.

The next ten or so minutes consisted of Harry hunching over his cramping stomach and holding in every burp that threatened to rise. He knew if he let any out, one of two things would happen, and neither were good. Either it would be just air, and the lads would get mad and make fun of him, or it would me more than just air and he'd puke all over himself.

Eventually, though, he couldn't do it anymore, and he let out a long belch, the sound seeming even louder in the quiet part of the movie.

"Harry! Seriously!" Liam exclaimed. "That's disgusting, stop it. Don't you have any manners?"

"I can't," Harry protested. "My-" he tried to explain, but Louis interrupted.

"Quiet! I'm trying to hear what's happening."

Harry blushed and tucked himself into the smallest ball he could in the corner of his couch. He didn't want to draw attention to himself with the burps. He took another sip of his water; maybe this time it would help.

Of course, it was the exact opposite of helpful, and Harry found himself with an even more upset stomach. Every burp he held back was accompanied by a rush of liquid in his throat, and it was getting harder and harder to keep it from coming out.

"Urp." One more burp came up, and he just managed to keep from vomiting all over himself.

"Really?" Louis paused the movie and stood up. "That's enough. Stop interrupting with your disgusting noises. If you can't be quiet and watch the movie like a civilized person, maybe you should just not watch the movie."

Harry turned red and stood up, tears filling his eyes. He was just unwell, he didn't mean to be rude. And now he wasn't welcome to sit with his friends when all he wanted was a cuddle. He started walking toward the door, but halfway there, another burp rose in his chest.

He stifled it the best he could, but a small sound still emerged, causing the other three to glare at him. Seconds later, another came up, and this time he had no chance of stopping it. He raised a hand to his mouth, but that proved to be of no use when vomit rushed up his throat. Harry dropped his hand when the first wave of liquid hit it, and there followed a disgusting splattering as he emptied his stomach on the hardwood floor.

"Harry-" Liam said, already standing up and laying a gentle hand on Harry's back. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you weren't well. I wouldn't have been so harsh," he apologized. "Are you done?"

Harry nodded, the tears that had been threatening to emerge now streaming down his face.

Liam looked Harry up and down, other than his hand, the only part of him that had suffered any damage was his socks. "Let's go get you cleaned up, alright? It'll be quick, and then you can lie down and relax."

While Liam took Harry to the bathroom to get him clean, Louis mopped the floor, claiming it was his responsibility since he had been so mean to Harry, and Niall gathered supplies for the rest of the afternoon.

After washing Harry's hands, feet, and face and getting him a fresh pair of socks, Liam guided the sick boy back to the living room. The couch was set up with a blanket and pillow, and there was a glass of ginger ale on the coffee table and a bin on the floor just in case.

Once Harry was settled in, Louis made himself comfy at the other end of the couch, and the other two sat down as well, ready to continue watching their movie, but this time they didn't make fun of or scold Harry when he needed to let some air up.

Well, that was pretty short, but I hope it's still enjoyable!

My apologies for the slowness on updates; school has me busy busy and then I'm also trying to focus on relationships with others, so writing isn't my top priority

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