Harry or Niall? (sickfic)

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For Ram_3500 (I'm not sure if that tag worked)

"Liam," Harry whimpered, leaning on the wall just inside the kitchen.

Liam turned away from the stove where he was making eggs for breakfast. "Yeah, mate? What's up?"

"I don't feel well. I wanna stay home today." Harry rubbed his stomach self-consciously, trying to put up the best act possible.

"Oh, Hazza." Liam walked over and put his hand on Harry's forehead, immediately in caretaker mode. "What feels bad?"

"My tummy," Harry lied, acting as pathetic as he could. "'n my head too."

Liam looked Harry up and down, worry creasing his brow. "You don't feel like you have a fever, so that's good. Do you want some breakfast? You could just have some toast if you don't think you can handle eggs."

Harry shook his head. "I don't want anything. I feel so sick." He rubbed a hand down his face, wincing as if in pain. "Ugh, why today? We have that interview this morning."

Liam sighed. "How about you go lay down on the couch for a bit? Maybe a bit of rest will do you good. I'll check on you after breakfast."

Harry nodded and pushed himself off the wall, wandering toward the living room. He got himself comfortable on the couch with a pillow and a throw blanket and settled down to listen to the others have breakfast. He congratulated himself on convincing Liam that he was sick. In fact, he really just wasn't in the mood to do an interview and thought it would be worth faking sick and getting a day off.

A few minutes later, the unmistakeable sound of Louis thumping down the stairs echoed through the house. He was always loud, both his actions and his voice. When he got to the bottom, Liam shushed him loudly before he could speak.

"Harry's not well. He's got a headache and your thumping and bumping certainly won't make him feel better for the interview."

Louis swore. "I'll go check on him."

Hearing that, Harry burrowed under the blanket and tried to make himself look as sad and pathetic as possible.

Louis tiptoed in and crouched to look at Harry's face. "You awake, mate?" When Harry opened his eyes and nodded slightly, he continued. "Sorry if I made too much noise...Liam says you're poorly."

Harry whimpered. "Yeah. Could you, maybe, get me a bin or something?" he asked, arms wrapped tight around his stomach.

"Do you need it right now?" Louis asked. He jumped up frantically, ready to run out of the room and get it, but calmed down when Harry shook his head. "Okay, can I get you anything else?"

Harry shook his head again, curling in on himself with a small moan.

Louis sighed, rubbed Harry's shoulder on his way past, and went back to the kitchen where he started rummaging through the cupboard under the sink in search of a bin or bucket for Harry.

"What're you looking for?" Liam asked from the stove, where he was serving the eggs onto three plates. When he saw the bucket in Louis' hands, he sighed. "Is he that bad?"

Louis shrugged. "Said he doesn't need it now, but asked me to get it."

Liam nodded, glancing from the bin to the eggs he had just finished serving. "I'll take it to him. You wanna go find Nialler? I think he's still sleeping, but we should probably get moving."

Liam took the bin from Louis and headed into the living room to check on Harry. He was curled up on the couch, his eyes closed and his arms clutched tightly over his stomach. Liam quietly set the bin down beside him and slipped back out of the room, not wanting to wake him if he had fallen back asleep.

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