Can't Sleep Louis

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Louis hasn't been sleeping well for weeks. Most nights, he will lie awake, tossing and turning, mind running in circles, for several hours after going to bed, and then wake up before normal time. It has started to affect his daily functioning, but somehow the others haven't noticed. Sure, once in a while they will comment on his tired appearance or tell him to pay attention, but nobody has clued in that it is more than just the occasional bad night.

This week, however, it's starting to become too much. Night after night with an average of less than four hours of sleep has begun to catch up to Louis' body, and he's nearly fallen asleep in several interviews and meetings. He hasn't been able to focus either, so no song writing has come from him.

Today is Saturday, and the four lads have just finished their only commitment for the day, an interview at a radio station. Louis has spent most of it zoned out, fighting off the sleep that threatened to overtake him and wondering why he only seemed to be able to sleep when he wasn't allowed to. Literally any other time would do.

When they get in the van to go home, Liam immediately turns to Louis, irritated.

"What was that, Lou? You were downright rude in there, ignoring the interviewer like that. You can't just become a statue for an entire interview! You looked like you were going to fall asleep!"

Louis pulls his legs to his chest, curling away from Liam.

"I didn't sleep well last night."

The other three boys sigh, looking at one another, then Niall speaks up.

"Louis, you can't use the same excuse every time. If you're going to be like that, at least come up with a better lie."

At that, Louis hides his head in his arms and tunes out his bandmates for the rest of the ride back to their house, insulted that they don't believe him. His exhaustion should be obvious: he has deep purple bags under his eyes, his face is pale, and his entire body is shaking, quivering from lack of sleep. Not sleeping well is his excuse every time because it's true, it's been his life for the past weeks.

When they get home, Liam, Niall, and Harry get out of the car and go inside, laughing and joking with each other, not noticing that Louis isn't with him. Louis gets out of the car, but decides to stay outside for a bit and have a smoke, not interested in interacting with the others if they are going to be upset with him. Later, he sneaks in, avoiding his bandmates as he makes his way to his bed. If he falls asleep quickly, he can get in several hours' sleep before supper.

Of course, that's much too optimistic, and he just ends up tossing and turning in his semi-dark room for a couple of hours.

A knock sounds on the bedroom door. "Who is it?" Louis calls, mumbling a bit as his face is pressed into a pillow.

"Supper's ready," Niall responds without opening the door.

Louis tries to say that he's not hungry, but Niall is already gone. That means he has to get up before someone else comes looking for him and gets angry at him for not coming right away. He rolls himself out of bed, feeling even more exhausted than when he lay down, and pulls on a giant hoodie, as he's feeling quite cold. He makes his way slowly to the kitchen as he is trembling. His limbs almost feel as if they are vibrating, he's so shaky. It doesn't feel right at all, he knows he needs sleep, but he can't do anything about it.

"Finally!" Harry exclaims grumpily when Louis pauses in the doorway of the kitchen. "You have to set the table because you didn't help cook." Louis would like to respond with a retort like 'it's not like I was invited to help' but he doesn't, because he knows it would just make Harry more cranky. Instead, he pulls out four plates and sets of utensils, laying them out, before grabbing four glasses and the water jug from the fridge. He starts pouring the first one, but manages to zone out while it's filling.

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