A Penguin-shaped Shadow

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Okay guys, this is a little different than normal. It's not a 1D oneshot at all, it's with original characters and it's based off this prompt:

 It's not a 1D oneshot at all, it's with original characters and it's based off this prompt:

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Anyway, it's not super long. I hope you enjoy, even if it's a little different.

"So, what's with the penguin?"

I jumped in my seat, not expecting that question.

"Uhhh...what?" I stared wide eyed at Michael. His bright green eyes, full of curiosity, met mine. Philip jumped behind me with a happy noise.

"I...sorry, maybe you're not..." Michael's eyes fell o the table for a minute, then he looked back at me, his cheeks flushing an adorable shade of red. He tugged awkwardly at the colour of his polo, then said, "Maybe it's not true. I just...I thought I had heard...something? about you and a penguin?"

I smiled reassuringly, letting out a breath of light laughter, but feeling in all honesty quite vulnerable. I usually avoided talking about this, but since he asked...I had to tell him. Had to explain.

"Yeah um. That's definitely me. Uh...what exactly did you hear?"

"Like..." he bit his lip, uncertainty clear in his expression. "Someone told me you like...had an imaginary penguin friend?"

There was a noise of disapproval from behind me, but I ignored it. I was used to doing that, at least in public. "Not imaginary. Definitely not imaginary. Imaginary things wouldn't cause as many doctor and specialist visits as I've had"

"Wait so it's a real penguin? Where is it? It didn't come with you?" Michael half stood up and looked around curiously. I held in a giggle as Philip hopped up and down trying to attract his attention. "No, no it's definitely not real either. Do you think I'd go to the doctor for having a pet penguin?" Philip wilted, his enthusiasm gone. "It's a hallucination, actually. For me, he's really and truly there. But obviously, nobody else sees it. Just me."

"Huh." Michael frowned, looking confused. "I don't...I'm not sure what to say."

I cringed internally. This was it. He was done, he was going to give up on this date. I had so much hope. This was the first time anybody had ever asked me out. High school had been rough. Everyone teased me, called me crazy. Nobody wanted to date the girl who had a penguin for an imaginary friend at the age of 16.

"Michael, please..." I trailed off. What was I supposed to say?

"I just...I don't understand, Lauren." He looked straight into my eyes, seemingly searching for something. "Is it, like, do you have a mental illness? Not that there's a problem with that if you do, I'm just wondering."

I was already shaking my head rapidly, but he kept talking. "Like, I know schizophrenia makes people hallucinate sometimes, or maybe-"

I cut him off. "Michael, stop." I was getting embarrassed, I could feel my cheeks heating up. "I'm not schizophrenic or anything like that." I swallowed, knowing tears weren't far off. "I just..it's..." I drew in a shaky breath and Michael reached his hand across the table, laying it on time of mine. I flinched in surprise and nearly yanked my hand away.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not judging you, Lauren. I promise. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

At that, the tears spilled over and I used my free hand to frantically wipe them away. I didn't want to cry, but he was just so sweat, so nice, and I couldn't handle it.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, trying to collect myself.

"Why are you crying?" Michael asked, squeezing my hand.

Philip made a noise and stepped forward, resting his beak on my head in a gesture I had come to understand as comforting.

"It's alright, I promise." Michael handed me a napkin. "Here, use this."

I took it, grateful, because my hand was too soaked in tears to help wipe any more away. I cleared the wetness off my face, though I knew more would probably come.

"I'm sorry," I repeat. "I hate when I cry like that." Michael opened his mouth, but I didn't let him say anything. "No, don't. It's stupid. I'm too sensitive; I should be able to control myself better."

Michael just smiled at me awkwardly. I realized he was still holding my hand and suddenly felt very out of place. What was I doing here in this cute little café with an attractive guy sitting across from me, holding my hand?

"Okay, okay, I'm fine," I muttered to myself, trying to pull myself together again. I took a deep breath. "Well, I have a rare brain condition, the doctors don't really know what it is or why, but literally the only symptom is the hallucination. I'm not really mentally ill, I just have a random penguin following me that nobody else can see."

Philip hopped up and down, then waddled over to Michael's side of the table and wrapped his flippers around him in a hug. The doctors have done a lot of tests, and they don't think Philip's actions are created by my conscious mind. Obviously they are created my some part of my mind, but it doesn't seem like I can consciously will him to do anything, and I can be surprised by his actions sometimes, which would not be the case if I chose them myself. It's interesting, because he's always been there for me, always been interacting with people and things, but he can't actually affect anything other than my mind.

"That's...well, that's confusing, but I guess it's kinda cool?" Michael scrunched up his face in an adorable little frown. "So, uh, what's he doing right now?"

"Giving you a hug, actually." I laughed, the stains from tear tracks still fresh on my face.

Michael laughed too. "Well, after all that, can I give you a hug?" He stood up and came around to my side, waiting with open arms. I stood up and let him wrap me up tightly, my arms snaking around his back and my head resting on his shoulder. "Thanks for agreeing to come on this date, Lauren. You're a really sweet girl."

My heart exploded. I tightened my grip on him even more. He didn't think I was crazy after all. Maybe this could work out. Maybe somebody would actually date the penguin girl after all these years.


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