Harry (Larry, sickfic)

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Not a Christmas oneshot; I unfortunately won't be doing any of those. This is a request for Omorashi2 . Enjoy!

"Lou! Louis, babe, please!"

I wake up to Harry calling my name repeatedly. His voice is strained and it sounds like he might be crying. I immediately turn the light on and rub the sleep out of my eyes, turning to my boyfriend. He's sitting up in bed, hunched over, with one arm wrapped tightly around his stomach. My gaze moves up to his face, which, as I suspected, has tears running down over disturbingly pale cheeks.

"Oh love, what's going on?" I reach over and put a hand on his back, rubbing circles the way I know he likes.

He opens his mouth to answer, but a scared look comes over his face and he shuts it again. He clamps his free hand over his lips and scrambles out of bed.

By this point, it's clear to my sleep-addled brain that Harry is very much not feeling well, so I follow him to the bathroom. When I arrive, he's already on his knees in front of the toilet, retching and sobbing. It seems he had one productive wave, perhaps sooner than expected, because there's vomit on the side of the toilet and the floor, as well as one of his hands that is gripping the toilet bowl.

I kneel behind him, bracketing my knees around his.

"Oh sweetie," I coo, rubbing his back. "You're alright, babe, just breath when you can, alright."

Harry gasps for breath, back arching as another heave forces its way through his body. He chokes, gagging hard, but nothing comes up.

"Lou, I-" he pants when he has a second's pause, but his sentence is cut off by another dry retch.

"I know love, I know. I'm right here." I run my fingers through his hair, pulling the longer strands away from his face. "You've got this, sweetie."

Finally, one particularly violent retch breaks the cycle and Harry manages to get something up. But once it starts, it doesn't seem to want to stop. He retches and heaves, spilling vomit into the toilet over and over again.

By the time it's over, he's totally out of breath and energy. I end up with a sobbing, gasping Harry slumped on me and it takes all my strength not to fall over under his weight.

"Are you all done, sweetheart, or is there more coming?" I rub his back with one hand and thread the fingers of my other through his hair as he slowly gains his breath back. "There we go, you're alright. I've got you, love."

"Mm think I'm done," Harry mumbles into my chest. He pushes himself up a little so he's sitting up on his own, face white as a sheet and eyes unfocussed.

"Okay, babe. Let's rinse your mouth out and get you back to bed, alright?" I leave him leaning against the bathtub and quickly flush the toilet and half fill a cup of water for him. "Here bub, don't try and drink, just rinse for now, okay?" I hold the cup to Harry's lips and support him as he spits the water out into the toilet.

Once he has fully rinsed the taste out and reluctantly taken two small sips, I help him stand on shaky legs and guide him back to the bed. I tuck him in and stroke his hair until he falls asleep. Despite how tired I am, I stumble back to the bathroom to clean up, spray some air freshener, and grab the dedicated sick bucket to put next to Harry's side of the bed.


When my alarm sounds in the morning, it's hard to open my eyes. My brain is too foggy to think for a few minutes, but when I hear Harry roll over and groan, I shoot straight up.

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