Christmas/Birthday Disaster

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Here's a very late Christmas oneshot. I had it almost done for Christmas and then ran out of time. Sorry :/

"Tommo!" Ollie smiled, raising his mug of beer and clinking it against Louis'. It was December 23rd and the Donny lads were out for dinner at a bar and grill type restaurant, celebrating Louis' birthday and Christmas, and just the fact that Louis was finally home after being away for work for so long.

Louis laughed, happy to have the time to hang out with his friends. The group chatted animatedly as they waited for their food to arrive.

"Mate, that looks amazing!" Calvin exclaimed as a waitress delivered the chicken sandwich and fries that Louis had ordered.

"Your orders will be coming in just a moment," the girl promised.

Louis eyed his sandwich impatiently, waiting for the others' food to come before he started. The instant the rest of it arrived, he dug in hungrily.

"Mmm, this is amazing," he mumbled, his mouth full.

As they ate, chatted, and drank, Louis found that his stomach was starting to feel very full. He eased off on the drinking, not that any of the other lads noticed as they were already several beers in. Even so, he fully enjoyed himself, laughing and joking around with his mates.

The next morning when Louis woke up, he found that his stomach was still all bloated and uncomfortable, maybe even worse than when he had gone to bed the night before. He got up slowly, rubbing his belly gently as he stood up.

"Ugh, this sucks," he thought to himself, grabbing his phone from its charger. It being his birthday, there were of course several messages wishing him a happy birthday. Louis responded to his sisters and a bunch of his friends, then smiled when he opened Twitter to see #HappyBirthdayLouis trending. He sent out a quick message thanking the fans for their amazing love and support, then wandered to the kitchen for a cup of tea.

Just as he was finishing his tea, the doorbell rang, and immediately afterwards he heard Niall, Liam, and Harry letting themselves in.

"Happy birthday mate!" they all shouted as they entered the kitchen. Louis winced a little as the sound triggered a headache, but smiled and jumped up from his seat, giving them all hugs.

The group wandered into the living room and spent the remaining chunk of the morning sprawled across couches chatting. Louis was uncharacteristically quiet, but managed to stay at least somewhat engaged in the conversation. At some point his stomach, which had until then just been bloated, had started to cramp up.

"You alright, Lou?" Harry asked around noon. "You've been pretty quiet today."

"I'm fine, yeah," Louis lied. "Just feeling a bit off, was out with the lads last night."

"Oi, Tommo!" Niall scolded. "What'd you do that for? You know we've got a party this afternoon!"

Louis shrugged, and sighed internally. He had somewhat forgotten about the party, and certainly wasn't excited about it. There was a restaurant rented out, and all his friends and family were coming, as well as quite a few people from the industry. It was going to be a pretty big deal, but Louis just wasn't up for socializing.

"Speaking of parties," Liam said, "we should probably head over soon to make sure everything is ready."

Thankfully, the setting up didn't take much effort for Louis; he was able to sit in a booth and watch as the others hurried around. He figured he had the right to do so as it was his birthday. As Louis sat, it got increasingly difficult to ignore his upset stomach, but he did his best to appear enthused about the party, smiling and chatting as happily as he could manage whenever one of the lads walked past his table.

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