Not Just a Walk in the Park (kidfic)

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Requested by larrybieberdreams. I know I said it wouldn't be until tomorrow, but I finished it, so...





Louis and Harry had decided to take their two kids for a day-long hike in the woods. They had done many hikes before, but never something so long as Niall's legs were still quite short and they weren't sure how long he would last. This Saturday, however, they wanted to try it, and figured that if Niall got too tired, one of them could piggyback him for a while. So, they had packed up a picnic lunch and a ton of snacks, as well as plenty of water, and gotten up early to drive to the start of the trail.

The morning had passed without incident. The weather was perfect for hiking: warm, but not hot, with mostly clear skies, the occasional fluffy white cloud passing by. The trail was great; it followed a creek for the most part, occasionally detouring over a hill or through a meadow, and despite the beautiful weather, there were very few other hikers on the trail. The boys had plenty of energy too, at time running ahead of their parents and needing to be called back.

They stopped for a snack in the morning at a lovely spot near the creek where there was a bit of a clearing with several fallen over trees that worked wonderfully as benches to eat on. Afterwards, the boys played a little in the edge of the water while Louis and Harry watched, relaxing in the shade and chatting with each other.

Suddenly, Liam came up the small bank to stand in front of his parents.

"Um, Daddy, Papa," he said hesitantly.

"Just a sec, Li. Niall, come out of there, bud," Louis called, not wanting to leave his youngest unattended by the water while he and Harry were distracted with Liam. Niall immediately scrambled up the bank to sit next to his Papa.

"What is it, Liam?" Harry asked, concerned by the upset look on Liam's face.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Liam announced.

Louis looked at Harry, confused. "Bud, you know what to do. There's no one around, just find a tree and go."

"No, Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom," Liam repeated.

Louis was still confused until Harry whispered in his ear. "Oh, do you have to poo, Liam?" he asked.

Liam flushed bright red and nodded. "We have to go home, Dad. I have to go."

Harry frowned. "Liam, love, we're much too far in to make it home for the bathroom. You're going to have to go in the forest."

"No, Papa!" Liam insisted, squirming slightly in discomfort. "We need to go home, NOW! I have to go so bad! I can't do it in the forest, Papa. Daddy, tell Papa I can't go in the forest." He was on the edge of tears now, terrified of the prospect of going to the bathroom in the woods, knowing it would be difficult and awkward.

Louis sighed. "Liam, darling, Papa's right. We'll help you find a good place to make it as easy as possible, okay?"

"No, Daddy," Liam protested, but he allowed Louis to lead him deeper into the forest, away from the trail so any passers-by wouldn't be able to see them.

"Niall, don't go anywhere, love. Liam has to potty, so Daddy and I are going to help him for a minute," Harry instructed, getting up to follow as he knew Liam was having a lot of trouble with the concept of doing his business in the woods.

"I gotta go too, Papa!" Niall announced, dancing about a bit, but not seeming at all upset about it. "I gotta do a poop! How do we poop in the forest, Papa?" he questioned, an adorable crease in his brow as he pondered the situation.

"Come with me and we'll figure it out, Ni. Quickly, though. We have to catch up to Daddy and Liam." He ended up just scooping Niall up so they could walk faster.

They found the others not too far off in a slightly more thickly wooded area near a fallen tree.

"Oh, hello," Louis greeted. "What're you doing here?"

"Niall has to go too. I figured we'd team up," Harry explained.

Louis nodded. "I thought I'd have him sit over the log." He gestured a bit to make it clear what he meant.

"Alright. Niall, let's get your pants down, okay, bud?" Harry said, turning to his youngest and preparing to help him. Niall nodded, immediately pulling down his shorts and underwear.

"Now what, Papa?" he asked, eyes wide.

"Now you're going to sit on the log like it's a toilet."

"But there's no hole," Niall observed, confused. "How is it like a toilet if there's no hole?"

"Your bum is going to go over the back, buddy," Harry explained with a smile as he lifted the boy up and positioned him on the log.

Meanwhile, Louis had gotten an apprehensive Liam in the same position with much less questioning, but a whole lot more protesting. Liam didn't like the idea of going with his whole family right there, and he really didn't want to go in the forest. When he looked over, he saw Niall already going, which just made him feel even more self-conscious. Yet despite all his embarrassment which caused him to feel as if he couldn't go, his gut was insisting that he had to, which made him incredibly uncomfortable.

"Daddy, I can't. I can't do it like this," Liam stated, standing up and pulling his shorts back up.

Louis exchanged a look with Harry before turning back to his son. "Okay, Li. Let's go a little farther into the woods."

"Bye, Liam! Have fun!" Niall called cheerily from his seat on the log, oblivious to his brother's predicament. (A/N I say that basically every time someone leaves a room. Well, not the Liam part. But the 'bye, have fun' bit.).

Louis guided a fiercely blushing Liam away as Harry hurriedly shushed Niall. He started searching for another log so they could try the same position again, but before they got very far, Liam started crying.

"Daddy, I have to go so bad! I can't hold it, I'm going to go in my pants, Dad, I have to go NOW!" he cried, clenching hard and barely managing to keep from having an accident. "Daddy, Daddy, now, Daddy, NOW!"

Louis panicked slightly, but managed to keep it on the inside.

"Okay buddy, you're alright. Just pull your shorts down, okay. I want you to squat for me, like this," Louis demonstrated, squatting in front of his son, and Liam obeyed hastily. "Hold onto the tree beside you if you feel like you're going to fall over," he continued, not wanting the boy to topple over.

Liam grabbed the tree immediately, grunting uncomfortably, but still unable to go. "Daddy," he whined, not caring if he sounded like a baby. He just wanted to get this over with.

"Can I rub your tummy a bit, Li?" Louis suggested, already reaching over to try and help his son the only way he could think of. Liam nodded, and thankfully, with a little bit of rubbing, he managed to go. After Louis helped him get cleaned up, they headed back to the clearing where Harry and Niall had long finished with their adventure in the woods. All four of them washed their hands off in the creek before starting off again on their hike.

This is a bit different from other stuff I've written, but I thought it was kind of cute. Thank you for the request!

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