Liam strep (kidfic/sickfic)

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For larrybieberdreams

Louis- Dad/Daddy

Harry- Papa

Niall- 18

Liam- 9

"Liam, wake up!" Louis, Liam's dad says, stressed. "You've missed your alarm, bud. C'mon, get up." He shook the young boy's shoulder gently until Liam rolled over with a groan. "There we are, up you get. Get dressed quick then come down for breakfast, alright?" He didn't even wait for a response before rushing out of the room, needing to take a shower before having breakfast and driving Liam to school.

Liam rolled over again, trying to make sense of what his body is telling him this morning. He's still so tired, he could go back to sleep, which is unusual. Usually he's awake before his alarm goes off. His throat hurts a bit too, and when he yawns widely, he realizes it actually hurts a whole lot more than just a bit. Tentatively he says a few words out loud to himself, but stops immediately when he discovers how much it hurts to talk. He wishes his Dad would have stayed a bit longer, because he's really not feeling all that good.

Exhausted, Liam drags himself out of bed. As he stands up, he realizes his stomach isn't feeling quite right either. "Great," he thinks to himself. "This is not going to be a good day." He dresses himself slowly, putting a thick sweater on as he's feeling quite cold, before trudging downstairs for breakfast, despite not feeling overly hungry.

"There you are, Li. You've gotta eat fast, buddy," Liam's Papa, Harry, says. "I'm going to take a shower as soon as Dad is done. The bus will be here in fifteen minutes, so you might need to move a little faster if you want to make it to school." He rushes out of the room before Liam has a chance to say anything about not feeling well. He's starting to realize that he really doesn't want to go to school. He sits at the table and takes a few bites of cereal before he decides that swallowing hurts too much to eat the rest, and it really doesn't feel good in his stomach either. Instead, he puts his bowl in the sink then goes to brush his teeth.

It's when he's back in the kitchen, trying to put together a lunch, which is hard on a normal day, but even worse when he has no appetite, that his older brother shows up.

"Mornin' little bro," Niall smiles, sleepily going to make himself a cup of tea, in no rush because he has a day off school. He looks at the time and does a double take. "Hey, Li, you better get outside now or you'll miss the bus. Have a great day, bud!"

Liam just silently grabs the little lunch he made and his backpack and rushes out the door, not having had time to do his hair at all. Just as he reaches the corner of the street, the bus pulls up and he climbs the steps, noticing that the simple action takes way more energy than normal when he's breathing heavily as he tries to find a seat. He ends up with a window seat near the middle of the bus and curls up next to the window, despite how the cold seeping in adds to the already present chill in his body. He's just so tired, maybe if he can nap a bit on the way to school he'll feel better.

Of course, it doesn't help, and by the time he's seated in class, Liam is starting to feel a bit worse. He's almost constantly shivering and he just plain doesn't feel good. He makes it through the morning, right up until snack break, but when he pulls out the muffin he packed and takes a bite, he realizes two things at once. First, swallowing is so much more painful than it was earlier, he almost wants to cry. Second, his stomach doesn't like the idea of food at all. Just that one bite of food was enough to make it start flipping and churning, and Liam has to sit very still for a few minutes, because he really feels like he might throw up.

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