Harry (sickfic)

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For ilangel1

"You good, Harry?" Liam asked, walking into the living room and seeing his bandmate rubbing his stomach, a zoned out look on his face.

"Yeah, m'fine, Li," Harry responded, not really paying attention. In reality, he wasn't so fine, he just hadn't fully registered the question. Since about mid-morning, Harry's stomach had been rolling and cramping uncomfortably, and it was starting to get worse.

Liam frowned slightly, not entirely convinced, but then he realized that he had no reason not to believe Harry. "Okay. Well, our interview this afternoon has been cancelled, so it's just the one in the evening, which is kinda nice. I just got a call from management."

Harry nodded, happy about the change, but distracted by an extra strong cramp.

"What are you watching? Mind if I join?" Liam asked cheerily.

"Not really sure. Haven't been paying much attention. You can change it if you like."

"Nah, this is fine." Liam plopped down on the couch next to Harry and put his feet up on the table.

About ten minutes later, the cramping had only increased in Harry's gut, and he decided it was time he do something about it, so he stood up.

"Where ya goin?" Liam inquired lazily.

Harry hesitated a moment before telling a white lie. "To the loo." Truthfully, he was going to raid the medicine cabinet to see if there was something he could take for his stomach, but he didn't want to say anything because he knew Liam would worry. Besides, he had just told Liam that he was fine, so if he told the truth now, he would be admitting to lying earlier. Granted, that wasn't very good logic, but Harry was paying more attention to his stomach than his trail of thought.

He wandered into the bathroom, and while staring at the medicine cabinet, figured it may be worth a try going to the toilet. He remembered his mum always suggesting that when he was young and had a stomachache.

Surprisingly (or maybe not so much, because mums are always right, aren't they?), after sitting on the toilet for a bit and allowing his bowels to release, somewhat less solid than normal, Harry's stomach did feel quite a bit better. He decided to skip the medicine and hope it was just random and everything that had been making him feel off had been expelled from his body.

Of course, that wasn't the case. Twenty minutes later, as Harry was just starting to lose to Louis at FIFA, the cramps came back, this time even stronger. He whimpered slightly as they overtook him and he lost focus on the game.

"C'mon, Hazza! You can do better than that," Louis teased as he scored yet another goal. "Pay attention, curly."

"Sorry, Lou." Harry gave a small smile, realizing that Louis hadn't noticed anything off. "I'll beat ya, I swear." He leaned forward, acting as if he was getting into the game, though it was really just to see if a shift in position would ease the waves of pain rolling through his gut. After letting another goal in, he paused the game, telling Louis he was going to the bathroom, and got up.

This time, his stomach felt no better after using the toilet, but he decided to keep playing anyways. Louis wouldn't appreciate being abandoned in the middle of a game. It didn't even cross Harry's mind to tell Louis that he wasn't feeling well. It wasn't like he needed attention or anything, and he wasn't feeling bad enough to need a nap, so telling Louis would just seem like he wanted someone to feel sorry for him, which certainly wasn't true.

Thankfully, Louis won the game about five minutes later and disappeared to call his sister, so Harry was able to lie down on the couch. He curled up in a ball, which helped ease the pain, but it didn't stop him having to run for the toilet not two minutes later.

After emerging, he flopped back on the couch, having received no relief from the bathroom run at all. If anything, his gut was feeling worse, and he was starting to feel tired. Tired of feeling gross, and tired like he might fall asleep. Or maybe he was already falling asleep...

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