Niall epilepsy part 2 (sickfic)

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This is an anonymously requested part 2 to the Niall epilepsy I wrote a while back

"Good evening lads, my name is Andrew and I'll be serving you tonight. Can I start you with some drinks?" the waiter asked, looking around at the four boy band members settled around the booth in the London restaurant. They were regulars there, so none of the staff ever made a fuss, and they always did their best to get One Direction the most private booth possible because the same could not be said for the customers.

"A beer for me please!" Louis announced happily. He was pleased to be back in England after a long tour through the Americas, and figured their return warranted a drink or two.

"Let's just make that a pitcher for the table, why don't we?" Liam suggested. They would easily go through that, and several more, and it was the more efficient way to order drinks. Less trips for the waiters.

Harry and Louis nodded in agreement, but Niall had a slight frown on his face. He caught Andrew's attention when he was just about to walk away. "Sorry to be an inconvenience, but could you possibly bring me a glass of water as well?"

"No problem, mate! Coming right up!" Andrew walked cheerily away. He never minded serving the boys of One Direction, they were generally polite and well-mannered.

Idle chatter commenced as the four began looking over the menus, though they had quite nearly memorized them by that point.

By the time Andrew returned with their drinks, everyone knew what they were going to order. Harry ordered fettucine alfredo, Liam a steak, Louis got a burger and chips, and Niall just ordered a cheese toastie and a bowl of vegetable soup.

"Are you alright, Ni? That's not much food," Louis commented, frowning.

Niall chuckled. "I'm fine Lou, probably gonna steal your chips when you aren't watching anyways."

Everyone laughed and the awkward moment was forgotten. However, Niall didn't forget. He was, in fact, not quite feeling himself, though he couldn't quite put his finger on what was bothering him. For the time being, he was going to take things easy and not consume any heavy food.

The meal passed mostly uneventfully. Everyone chatted happily, talking about their plans for the break they had over the next several weeks. Niall held back a little, as he was starting to feel worse. He still couldn't describe it and figured there was no use saying anything to the lads since he didn't know what was wrong. It was just a vague feeling of something not quite right; his brain was mildly foggy, and he couldn't think what the problem could possibly be.

"...Niall?" A voice broke into his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Niall asked, looking across at Louis, who apparently wanted his attention.

"You alright mate? I've called your name a bunch of times."

Niall shook his head slightly, trying to clear the fog. "Yeah, sorry, just zoned out I guess." He wasn't really alright, he realized after responding. Nothing felt right.

"Are you sure?" Liam frowned. "You've been acting off all night."

But Niall couldn't respond anymore. Before any of the others could do anything, his eyes rolled back in his head and his limbs starting twitching and convulsing. Just as Louis sprung up to try do something, Niall tumbled out of the booth and fell onto the floor with a thud that attracted the attention of people at tables all around.

"Shit, I thought his seizures were under control," Liam muttered. After the seizure he had had at a concert, Niall's doctor had switched his medication, and he hadn't had any since.

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