Niall's Attitude (ageplay)

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Requested by stylinhoraynexxx

Louis' POV

"Niall Horan! Get back here!" I call as Niall storms out of the room. I was just explaining to him that it's not a good idea to go out drinking tonight, as much as I would like to, because we have an early interview tomorrow and we will be in trouble if we show up hungover. "Niall!"

He comes back and stops in the doorway. "I don't have to listen to you. You aren't my mother, Louis."

"What's going on?" Harry asks, coming up behind Niall.

"Louis' being stupid and thinks he can order me not to go out tonight. I don't care, I'm going anyways. I don't take orders from him, or anyone!" He turns, as if to stomp away again, but Harry grabs his arm.

"Ni, stop. Louis isn't ordering you to do anything. He's just telling you that you probably shouldn't go out when we have stuff to do early in the morning."

"You too! Fuck off, guys. I just wanna have a bit of fun!" Niall wrenches his arm out of Harry's grip and heads out the front door without a backwards glance.

Harry flops down next to me. "Well, that went well."

"What just happened in here?" Liam asks as he walks into the room, looking like he's just finished a workout. "I heard yelling."

Harry and I exchange looks, neither of us wanting to explain.

Finally I sigh and speak up. "Niall's mad at us for suggesting that he stay in tonight because of the interview tomorrow."

Liam raises an eyebrow. "That was worth yelling and swearing at you?" Liam isn't a fan of swearing when it's directed at a person.

"And then storming out to do exactly what we were warning against," Harry agrees.

"Is this enough?" Liam asks, looking back and forth between me and Harry. I know instantly what he's talking about.

Niall's attitude has been rapidly getting worse for the past month or so. Last week, the three of us sat down to talk about how to deal with it. We agreed to let it be for the moment, see if it got better, but we knew if it got any worse we would have to act, and we made a plan. Well, it was mostly my idea, but the others thought it was a good one.

I figure that, if Niall is going to be rebellious and sassy like a kid, we should treat him like a kid...but a young enough kid that he shouldn't be rebellious or sassy at all. Essentially, a baby. Or maybe a toddler, but not too old, or we start getting into tantrum territory. Either way, if he's going to be making stupid decisions and not listening to us, we are going to take away his freedom to do as he likes, and hopefully allow him to enjoy himself at the same time. Thus, ageplay.

"Yeah, I think it's time," Harry nods. His facial expression mirrors mine, and I know he's thinking about the struggle we are going to have convincing Niall of this. Or, well, it's going to be more of a forcing than a convincing. He's not likely to be convinced of anything if he doesn't even see the logic of not getting totally hammered the night before an early interview.


"Fuck off, Lou!" Niall grumbles, pulling the pillow over his head. I shake his shoulders again and yank the pillow back.

"C'mon, Niall. You need to get up, now!" It's already 7 and we need to be on the road by 7:30 at the absolute latest. Liam and Harry are both showering, so it's up to me to get a badly hungover Niall out of bed and ready to go. He didn't even come home until slightly after 3, so today is going to be awful for him.

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