Ouch, Zayn! (ageplay)

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Requested by zianourry_shiz

Zayn-headspace 1 year



Louis + Niall- also dads but not named in the fic

Harry's POV

"C'mon, Harry!" Louis calls from where he and Niall are already inside the door to the hotel. We've just returned from an interview and the plan is to get inside as fast as we can so nobody will notice us. Thing is, I'm carrying Zayn, so I can't actually move all that fast. He's really floppy in my grasp, which is pretty normal given that his headspace is around 1, but he's also half asleep from the car ride, which doesn't help matters much.

I hoist him through the door, Liam right behind me, and suddenly Zayn starts screaming. Not just the kind of screaming that happens when he's a bit upset or scared, which is pretty common. No, this is loud, terrified shrieking.

"Fuck!" I hear Liam mutter behind me, and I turn around as he opens the car door again. "Shit, Harry, I closed the car door on his finger. I'm so sorry. Is he okay?"

"Oh, baby," I coo, bouncing Zayn a little. "Did Daddy hurt you? Do you have an ouchie now?" I try to grab his hand so I can look at the finger but he keeps it out of my grasp, still screaming, tears flooding down his cheeks.

"Bring him in, Harry," Niall suggests, holding the door open for me. "Don't want to attract attention, we can deal with it inside." He has a point, so I quickly go inside and we make our way to our suite, Zayn screaming and crying in my arms the whole way. I feel bad for anyone else in this hotel, we're making so much noise, but I can't do anything about it. I'm cooing and shushing the best I can, but he's not quieting down at all, and he won't even accept a dummy.

Finally, we get back to the room, one of the few places where we can be guaranteed privacy. Usually we try to wait until we're in private to let Zayn slip, but today it just started happening in the car and we figured it would be fine.

I set Zayn's thrashing body down carefully on the king-sized bed. He's not heavy, but I'm not strong enough to carry him for ages, especially when he doesn't stay still.

Liam's POV

I feel so bad about slamming Zayn's finger in the door. I know that hurts for an adult, so to a baby it must be agonizing. It wouldn't have happened except that we were in such a rush, I wasn't paying very close attention and just wanted to get out of the car as fast as possible.

When Harry sets him down, still screaming, I go over immediately and pull him into my lap.

"Hey bug, I'm so sorry. Daddy hurt you, didn't he? Can I see your finger, love?" I know he doesn't understand a lot in his headspace, but he usually responds pretty well when we talk directly to him. However, today he doesn't even look at me, just keeps crying and thrashing his arms. He hits me squarely in the chest once, but it's so little force that it doesn't affect me at all.

"Oh, shh, Zaynie, shh. It's okay, Daddy's got you," I coo, pulling him closer, so he can't move his arms as much, and rocking his body gently back and forth. His screams slowly turn into sobs, which is better, but not overly reassuring. Louis comes to sit next to me.

"Which finger, Liam?" he asks, holding Zayn's hands gently in his own. Surprisingly, it's not difficult at all, Zayn's body has started to go loose and floppy, even more than usual.

"His right ring finger and maybe his pinky," I say, wincing a little. I feel so bad for hurting him like that.

"Aw, baby," Louis comforts. "Does your fingy hurt? Do you want Papa to kiss it better?" Zayn just stares at him, no longer sobbing, but with tears still pooled in his eyes. "Do you need a kissie from Papa? A kissie for your ouchie?" Still no reaction from Zayn. Normally he giggles, or at least smiles, at the mention of kisses. He absolutely loves being kissed when he's little: on his hands, the top of his head, the tip of his nose, and all over his belly when he's being changed. Louis looks at me and frowns a little, but turns his attention quickly back to Zayn, lifting his right hand and pressing light kisses over the injured fingers, then the rest of the fingers, hand, and up his wrist. Finally Zayn reacts, a small giggle escaping his mouth.

"There we go, that's our happy little Zaynie," Niall smiles from across the room where he's already putting together a bottle of warm milk.

I bounce Zayn a little on my lap as Louis gets up, watching his face carefully. Zayn's behaviour has been rather odd since the car door incident, and I can't quite figure out why.

"Lou, can you pass me his blankie please?" We have this great little flannel blanket that Zayn loves to cuddle with. It's nothing special, but he loves it, and it's easier to carry around places than a stuffed animal would be, it tucks into backpacks and stuff really nicely.

Louis tosses me the blanket and I catch it by a corner before turning back to Zayn and trying to give it to him. Surprisingly, he doesn't take it out of my hand, just stares at me with wide eyes.

"Is he okay?" Harry asks, watching.

I look at Zayn confusedly before replying. "I don't know. This is kind of odd."

Niall comes over, bottle in hand. "D'ya think he could be in a younger headspace?" I can't do anything except stare at him. That just makes so much sense. Having his finger slammed in the door must have scared him so much it upset his headspace and made him go younger.

"That's brilliant, Niall!" Louis exclaims, flopping on the bed next to me before turning to Zayn. "Do we have a really little Zaynie? Oh, yes we do! Yes, we do! Such a wittle itty-bitty Zaynie boy," he coos, stroking Zayn's cheek gently.

I carefully lean back against the headboard, knowing it's bottle time, and rearrange Zayn on my lap so he's in a semi-horizontal position. I tuck his blankie under his arm, one corner slightly brushing his cheek.

"Okay, Ni. You want to feed him?" I ask when I'm in place.

"Yeah, if that's alright," he responds, settling in beside me. "Hey, Zee," he smiles down at the boy in my arms. "Ready for your baba, love? I'm gonna feed you now, alright?" He brings the bottle to Zayn's lips, but is stopped by the fingers that are currently in his mouth. "Are you hungry, buddy? Fingers don't taste good! Let's get those out so you can have your milky." I pull Zayn's fingers out of his mouth carefully, as his arm is quite floppy and I don't want to hurt him, and Niall slips the bottle in.

"There you go, bug. Is that nice?" I coo, rubbing Zayn's arm gently as he starts sucking, his eyes fluttering shut adorably.

By the time he's done the bottle, half asleep in my arms, all four of us are arranged on the bed around him. When he finishes, I pass him off to Harry, who carefully changes his nappy and puts him in a soft onesie before laying him in bed. It's my turn to sleep with him tonight, so I slip into some pajamas and get under the covers, holding Zayn close and humming a lullaby as the others close the door and turn off the lights, whispering goodnights.

Hope it's alright...I feel like the end is a bit rushed, but I didn't know what else to do.

Just a note: I think I'm going to close requests for a bit. I just have a lot right now; I'll open them again as soon as I am finished a bunch of what I have.

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