"Niall icky, Daddy" (ageplay/sickfic)

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For stylinhoraynexxx 

Niall-headspace ~2yrs




Liam's POV

Niall feeling little was literally the cutest thing ever, I thought to myself, standing in the doorway as I watched him try and tug Louis off the couch to play cars with him. Louis was engrossed in a footie game, and usually Niall would be too, but he had gotten bored and apparently now wanted to play.

"Can Daddy play with you, Ni? I think Dada is a little distracted right now." I stepped into the room, surprising Louis, who apparently hadn't known I was there.

"Oh! Hey Li! Niall, love, I think Daddy would like to play with you."

"Hmm...okays. C'mon Daddy, cars!" Niall crossed the room and took my hand, but I stopped him before he could pull me over to his toys. His walk had seemed more like a waddle, so I figured I should check his nappy. I patted his bum, and sure enough, it was much squishier than it should have been.

"Hey sweetie, let's go get you changed first. I think you did some potties in your nappy."

"Nuh-uh!" Niall frowned, pulling on my wrist. "No wet! Go play!"

I sighed. Typical Niall, not wanting to interrupt his fun for boring things like changes. "Sorry, bud. I'll be fast, I promise, and then we can play." I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. I found that his nappy was fully soaked, to the point of almost leaking.

Once he was all set in a fresh nappy, I brought him back to the living room.

"There you go bud, all set to play! Are we going to play with your cars or the blocks?" I personally preferred blocks but I knew he would probably want to play cars.

"Um..." Niall looked thoughtful for a moment, his frown deep and exaggerated, but I knew if I laughed, he'd get mad. "Bof! We play cars but blocks for makin' roads an' houses!"

I settled down on the floor, prepared to be playing for a few hours. However, only about half an hour later, Niall was squirming and whimpering.

"What's up, Ni?"

"Wet, Daddy," he whined, climbing onto my lap awkwardly.

"Oof, Niall, you're heavy!" I exclaimed. "Alright, let's go get you changed."

This time, I was surprised to find that his nappy was hardly wet. Sure, it had been used, but it could only have been a small amount of pee. However, clearly it was enough to bother him if he was asking for a change, so I got him a fresh one, with a good dose of baby powder because he loved the smell.

We went back to playing, Louis coming to join us after the football game was over. I was very surprised when, three quarters of an hour later, Niall was again whimpering and whining for a change. Louis took that one, but he came back looking just as confused I felt.

"He was hardly wet. What's going on?"

"I don't know. It was the same last time I took him. He's not usually like this, unless he has a rash, but I didn't see one, did you?" Usually, Niall would never ask for a change because he was always too interested in playing to be bothered.

Louis shook his head. "Maybe he's just in a weird mood today."

However, the morning continued in a very similar manner. Niall would climb onto one of our laps every half hour or so, demanding a change. Every time, his nappy was only a little bit wet, but he seemed very uncomfortable. Just before lunch, I decided something must be wrong and figured maybe he had a rash that wasn't quite visible yet, so I smothered him in cream before putting his new nappy on.

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