Harry's migraine (sickfic)

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"Papa, Papa, up! Zoo! Zoozoozoo, Papa!" The small blond boy bounced excitedly on his fathers' bed. All he had been talking about all week was their trip to the zoo that Friday, and now the day had come, he had woken up with the sun and just couldn't wait any longer.

Harry opened his eyes briefly, but was immediately hit with a bad headache slamming into his head. It was throbbing badly, and Niall's yelling was not helping in the least.

"Li," he mumbled, nudging his sleeping husband. "Li, wake up."

"Hmm?" Liam hummed, rolling over. "Wassat?"

"Daddy? Daddy up too! Zoo!" Niall shifted over so he was sitting directly on top of Liam and started poking his face until Liam suddenly caught the little boy's finger gently between his teeth. Niall screamed, and Harry whimpered, the noise causing unbearable jolts of pain through his skull.

"Shh, Niall," Liam hushed, noticing Harry's reaction. "Hazza, what's wrong, love?" He slid Niall off of himself and rolled to look at Harry better, the younger man not having given any response other than to press his hands to his temples. "Is it your head, Haz?"

Harry nodded, then winced at the pain such a simple movement caused.

Liam reacted immediately, seeing how miserable Harry was. "Okay, Niall. Can you go wake up all your stuffies for me? And tell them all about what you're going to do at the zoo today?"

"'Kay, Daddy!" Niall jumped off the bed and scurried off to his bedroom, happily distracted.

The room now quiet, Liam turned to his husband. "Are you having a migraine, hon?"

"It hurts, Li," Harry whimpered.

"I know, I know, Harry," Liam soothed in a soft voice, holding him close. "You're not going to be able to do the zoo today, are you?" he asked after a moment, already trying to figure out how the day would work. There was no way Harry could go to the zoo, nor did Liam want to leave him alone like this, but the kids would be so disappointed if they didn't go.

Harry whined and buried his head in Liam's chest. "Feel sick," he murmured.

Liam almost didn't hear it, but when he registered what his husband had said, he immediately started moving. "Okay, Haz. I'm going to move you to the bathroom in just a second. I know your head hurts, but it'll be easier in there for both of us. I'm so sorry you're feeling bad today." He stood up and helped Harry sit, then stand on shaky legs. "Lean on me, I'll support some of your weight. I know you're lightheaded, just hold on, I won't let you fall, I promise."

Slowly, the two men made it into the bathroom attached to their bedroom, where Liam carefully manoeuvred Harry into a sitting position in front of the toilet.

"Lights," Harry slurred, and Liam quickly turned off the light and closed the door most of the way so it would be less bright. "Don' wanna, Li."

"I know, Harry. Shh, you're fine. Maybe you won't have to be sick, I just want you here in case." But Liam knew Harry would be sick. It was inevitable when he got these headaches.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Harry started heaving. The first couple were dry, giving Liam enough time to help him into a better position, but when the vomit started coming up, everything fell apart.

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