Harry mobbed

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Crowds were normal. Large crowds of crazy fans screaming and pushing were very normal. The boys of One Direction were used to being ushered through mobs of people; they knew how to deal with it.

Most of the time.

Sometimes, though, the fans would overpower the bodyguards, or one of the boys would have an off day, unable to handle it.

Today, that boy was Harry.

They had just finished a concert and were trying to escape to the waiting car. The crowds were crazy, more than normal, which is saying something. On a normal day, the five boys couldn't believe how insane their fans were, so when they got more hyped up, it was mind-blowing, even after several years of being a world-famous boyband.

Louis and Niall had run off ahead, both with tons of energy, not bothered in the slightest by the number of fans, even leaving their bodyguards behind.

Liam and Zayn were not far behind, though they had paused a couple of times to sign things and take pictures, while waiting for Harry to catch up.

Harry had needed the loo, so he was the last of the group to leave the building. By the time he was starting to make his way to the car, the crowds were pressing inward and it was much harder to get out. When they realized Harry was coming through, they got even crazier.

Fans started pushing and shoving each other to get closer to Harry, hoping for a signature, a picture, even a smile or a glance. The first contact didn't bother Harry too much. He was tired and not in the mood for more screaming crowds, but he was used to the post-concert rush. But then, it started getting more intense. They got closer, the people farther back trying to push through the ones near Harry to get their turn, even though Harry wasn't stopping to do anything.

Harry got separated from his bodyguard, and all of a sudden he was in the middle of a seemingly endless mob of fans trying to get his attention by screaming, waving, and grabbing at him. He tried to push through in the direction he thought the car was, but there were too many people. They were pushing and shoving everywhere, and suddenly he found himself sprawling on the ground. He quickly gathered himself to a sitting position so he wouldn't get trampled, but he was too crowded to be able to get back on his feet.

Louis had noticed the increase in screams from behind him. He ignored it at first, figuring Harry had exited the building, and he was right. But the screams didn't stop, only increased, and eventually he turned around. He found Niall first, just to his left, free of the throng and almost at the car. He spotted Liam and Zayn, well protected by their bodyguards, being ushered quickly towards the car. But he couldn't see Harry anywhere, just a massive mob of fans, all their attention going towards...

"Harry!" Louis yelled, though no one could hear him over all the screaming fans. He yanked free of his bodyguard, grabbed Niall's arm and started running toward where Harry must be. Liam and Zayn noticed and ran after them. The four lads pushed through the crowds, the fans allowing them to pass, seeing the concern on their faces, until they found Harry, curled up in a ball, in the middle of a group of fans. Some of the girls nearest him had formed a wall to keep people away, so there was no longer anybody touching him, but he was still clearly freaked out. Liam rushed to crouch next to him.

"Harry, Harry, it's Liam. Are you alright?" He reached a hand to rest it on Harry's shoulder, but the younger boy flinched hard at the contact, so he backed off. "Harry, can you look at me. Just me, Harry." The bodyguards had caught up and formed a circle around the boys, while more security members started directing the fans away. Niall, Louis, and Zayn held back a bit so Harry wouldn't get overwhelmed. Finally, Harry looked up at Liam, and Liam was instantly ten times more worried. The look on Harry's face was one of pure terror, and his mouth was open as he panted, seeming unable to breathe normally.

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