Concert Nerves (Harry)

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A little oneshot occurring on the first night of Harry's solo tour

"I can't, I can't, I can't!"

"You can, Harry, you've got this." Liam placed his hands on my shoulder in what was clearly meant to be a comforting gesture.

"No!" I twisted out of Liams grip and flung myself onto the couch. "I can't. I'm gonna mess it up, I'm just gonna make a fool of myself!"

"Harry, mate, everyone loves you, you know they do."

"They...they...aaggghhh." I stood up and paced resteessly back and forth. This concert had my brain in ruins. "I'm going to destroy everything. Everything I've ever done."

Liam tried to say something else, but I tuned him out. My limbs were twitching with an inexplicable need. "Fuck, Li, I can't. I'll have to cancel. I can't go out there." I stalked over to the wall and banged my fist against it, then did it again, realizing how good it felt to let the pent-up emotions out like that.

"Harry, no, stop. Don't do that. C'mon mate, calm down." Liam grabbed my wrist and tried to keep me from hitting the wall again.

"Fuck off, Liam," I shouted, pulling myself free and pushing him away. "Just leave me alone!"

Liam nodded and quietly left me alone in the room. I looked around me and suddenly my eyes filled with tears. Why'd I push him away like that?

The whole thing started because of some stupid comment on Twitter. Some jerk called me a f*ggot, and several others joined the thread, dissing my clothes, my hair, my music, pretty much everything about me. It got to my head and stressed me out. It was the first night of my solo tour, and I was so anxious that the fans wouldn't appreciate the show I had planned. Usually I could let comments like that roll off, but not today.

Somehow that anxiety escalated to me freaking out and snapping at Liam, and now I regretted it. He was here to support me and I had pushed him away.

I sniffled, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I needed him back here. There was only half an hour left until go time, and I needed to calm down.

"Liam?" I called, peeking into the hallway outside my dressing room. I spotted Liam leaning against the wall a few feet away, messing with his phone. He looked up when he heard me.

"Hey mate. Doin alright?"

"I uh...would you mind coming back in?" I muttered sheepishly, fiddling with my fingers.

"Of course." Liam followed me back into the room, setting a gentle hand on my back. We walked to one of the couches and sat down. I snuggled into his side and laid my head on his shoulder, letting the tears start again.

"Hey, hey, Harry, mate, you're alright." Liam rubbed my back as I cried softly, the panic that had filled me earlier slowly draining away.

"Sorry," I said after a few minutes, sitting up and drying my eyes with a tissue. "I'm just a little worked up, I guess. Thanks for coming back after I kicked you out."

"Of course, Harry. I wasn't going to leave you alone tonight. I knew you just needed to cool off for a minute." Liam patted my knee gently. "I can see that you're anxious about tonight, but you're going to be absolutely amazing."

I nodded hesitantly, then sighed. " don't think it'll be too...flamboyant?"

Liam chuckled. "I have no idea what you're going to do out there, Harry, but I'm sure the fans will love it. I don't think you could do anything to stop them loving you."

He was right, of course. The minute I got on stage, all the nerves melted away and I was able to just have fun. Being on stage performing was one of my favourite parts of being in the band, and it's almost as good by myself.

Not my best work, but it's something

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