Niall stomach (sickfic)

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For stylinhoraynexxx

You took another bite of your lasagna and looked up at Niall. He was pushing a bite around on his plate, and it didn't look like he had eaten anything yet, while you had already finished half of your meal.

"Don't you like it, Ni? I thought lasagna was your favourite."

"I-I do, it's just..." he paused, staring at the pasta on his fork.

"Just what, love?" You were confused. This behaviour was very unlike the Niall you knew.

"Nothing," he responded, slowly raising his fork to his mouth. You watched as he took the food into his mouth and stifled what seemed to be a cough before hastily swallowing what was in his mouth.

"Is it not good?" you asked, bewildered by the displeased look on his face.

"It is..." Niall raised a closed fist to his mouth.

"Something's wrong, love. What's going on?"

"M'fine, Y/N. Nothing's wrong."

"Don't be stubborn Nialler. We both know you love lasagna, so there must be a reason you aren't eating." By this point you were growing slightly frustrated as well as a bit worried. Something was definitely up with your favourite Irishman.

"I am eating. See?" To prove his point, he put another bite on his fork and raised it to his mouth. However, when he opened his mouth, instead of putting the food in, he let out a gag.

"Niall!" By this point, you were more than just a bit worried.

He put down his fork as his eyes filled with tears, and you immediately dropped all your frustration in exchange for concern.

"Ni? Talk to me, what's going on?"

"Y/N," he sobbed, abandoning all pretext of being okay.

"I'm right here, Niall, I'm right here," you comforted, still unsure of what was happening.

"I d-don't feel good," he finally admitted.

"Aw, sweetheart, I knew something was wrong. Is it your stomach?" He nodded, and you cringed internally. Niall with a stomachache was never a pleasant experience.

"It hurts," he whined, pushing his chair back a bit and wrapping his arms around his stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me you were ill, Ni? I wouldn't have tried to make you eat if I knew your stomach was upset." Maybe you would, but it would have been something light like crackers or soup, not lasagna. You couldn't imagine even one bite of your rich, cheesy lasagna sitting well in an uneasy stomach.

"I don't want to be sick. I thought if I ignored it it would go awa-ay." Niall broke off into another sob. You felt bad, but at least you understood. If he wasn't ready to admit to himself that he was ill, there was no chance he would admit it to you, and you couldn't blame him for that.

"Shall we go to the living room and cuddle for a bit? Or would you like to go up to bed? We can cuddle either way if that's what you want."

He just shrugged, looking totally at a loss. "I-I don't know, love. I don't know what I want." He looked so upset about being indecisive.

"Shh, it's okay Ni. Let's go to the bedroom for now. If you fall asleep, that will be better." Also, you would be closer to a toilet in case he was going to vomit, but you didn't mention that. You didn't want to make him more upset than necessary. You put your plates on the counter to clean up later, then gave Niall a hand up out of his chair. He swayed slightly when he got upright, but you put your arm around him and he leaned into you. Thankfully you weren't too much shorter than him, so it wasn't too difficult.

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