Louis faking (kidfic/sickfic)

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"Dad?" I called, making my voice wobbly. "Dad!" I buried my face under the blanket as I waited for a response, breathing fast so I would get red and sweaty. It was my first time faking sick, and I wanted to do it right, because no way was I going in that day. All my friends had chicken pox, but of course I had been vaccinated, so I was stuck going to school with nobody to hang out with at recess. Or not, if my plan worked.

"Louis?" my dad said, poking his head into my room. "Why aren't you up yet? Harry is practically ready to go already. C'mon, up you get."

"Dad, I don't feel very good," I whined.

In an instant he was sitting beside me on the bed, one hand on my forehead. "Hmm, you do feel a little warm. What's wrong?"

I pressed my head into his touch, pretending to be clingy like I always am when I'm sick. "My tummy hurts and I'm dizzy," I lied.

"Oh, sweetie, do you feel like you're gonna be sick? Should I get you a bucket just in case? Or do you think you're big enough to make it to the toilet now?"

I groaned and rolled onto my side, hugging my stomach. "I dunno..." What was the right answer to that question?

"Alright, well I'll grab you a bucket just in case, but if you think you can make it to the bathroom, go ahead." Dad left my room and I stuck my head under the covers again, trying to redden my face again. If I guessed right, Papa would be in soon, and he would probably be harder to trick.

Sure enough, a minute later, Papa walked in carrying a bucket and a glass of water.

"Hey Lou," he said softly. After putting the bucket down, the first thing he did was feel my forehead. "Dad says you've got an upset tummy?"

"Uh-huh," I moaned. "Feels like I might puke."

"Your head doesn't feel too warm, but if you're just in the starting stages of a tummy flu, you might not have much of a fever yet. Can you try sit up and have a few sips of water for me?"

I shook my head lightly. "I'll puke," I explained, getting really into the lie. "'N I'm dizzy."

"Okay, bud. That's alright. Just rest for a bit, I want to check your temperature so I'll be right back."

It seemed like he believed me, but the idea of the thermometer was a bit frightening. That would give away the whole thing.

Instead of risking Papa figuring out what I was up to, I sat up and grabbed the bucket. I sat against the headboard with the bucket between my legs and hunched over it, breathing heavily.

"Boo?" I heard Harry say. "Oh, shoot, Papa, Louis' gonna throw up!" he yelled. A moment later, I felt his hand on my back and I glanced up. "You're alright, boo. Papa's coming in just a sec."

I grimaced and swallowed hard, like I was trying to stop myself from throwing up, then opened my mouth and coughed forcefully.

By the time Papa made it into the room, I had caused a string of drool to dangle disgustingly from my lips, and I was breathing hard enough to be sweating under Harry's hand.

"Oh phew, you're here!" Harry exclaimed. "He's gonna blow and I do NOT want to be there for that. Gross!"

I didn't even look up as Harry left the room and Papa took his place, instead focussing on making it look like I was about to puke.

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