Harry's in Trouble! (ageplay)

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Request for CeciliaDryan

Harry-17, headspace 5

Liam-18, headspace 7

Louis-20, Papa

Zayn-20, Daddy

One Direction may have been a famous boy band, but the two youngest members still had to attend school when they weren't on tour. After a few weeks, the older members realized that this dual life was causing a lot of stress for them, and realized that something needed to be done to help. They decided to try ageplay with Harry and Liam, and they discovered that, ironically, giving them a triple life relieved a lot of the stress and made life a lot easier for everyone.

So, five days a week, Harry and Liam went off to school. Neither of them was a super great student, but good enough, and they both had several good friends, not just because they were famous, but because they were likeable people. After school, Louis, Zayn, or one of their drivers would pick them up, and they would spend the ride home joking around. At home they would do their homework quickly and when they were done, they would slip into their headspaces, unless the band had a commitment. Even when the two boys weren't in headspace, Louis and Zayn tended to take a position of authority, mostly due to their being older. It was a system that worked well for everyone, and everything normally went smoothly.

Except one day it didn't.

Harry had had a bad sleep the night before, and so was in a rather bad mood that morning. He tried his best to control himself, as he knew he had a tendency to get very irritated when he was tired, but at a certain point he couldn't do it anymore.

They were working on a partner project in chemistry class. Harry's partner was Alyssa, a girl who he had always thought was really nice and sweet, but when they sat down to work on the project, she started peppering him with questions about being in One Direction. He answered the first several before trying to redirect the conversation to the work they were supposed to be doing, however she persisted in asking questions. Eventually, he had enough, and all his irritation and bad mood from the entire day exploded out.

"So, when you're on tour, like-"

"Enough!" Harry stood up suddenly, face turning red in anger. "Yes, I'm in a famous band, but that doesn't mean I want to answer your questions! This is chemistry class for fuck's sake, and I'm trying to get work done. Just because I'm famous doesn't mean I don't need to get good marks! So, shut up and let me do my work!"

"Mr Styles!" the teacher said sternly when Harry paused for a breath, coming over to his table. "I'd advise you to stop talking now. This is unacceptable behaviour, and I expected better from you."

Hearing the teacher's words, Harry immediately realized what he had done and closed his mouth, turning to the teacher with wide eyes, terrified of what would happen next. He hated getting in trouble, and he knew he would get punished again at home.

"Apologize to Alyssa, please, and then I would like to speak to you in the hallway." Harry nodded and blinked quickly a couple of times to get rid of the tears that were forming.

"I'm sorry, Alyssa. I shouldn't have shouted at you." He bit his lip. Apologies were the worst and he hated feeling like he had disappointed people.

Alyssa smiled. "It's okay. I guess I was being a bit annoying." Harry gave a half smile in response before trudging over to the open classroom door, where the teacher was waiting.

"Harry, do you have an explanation for this outburst?"

"No, sir." Harry hung his head as his eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry-y." His voice broke as he apologized.

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