Liam (kidfic/sickfic)

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For @larrybieberdreams





It's just a normal Saturday in the Stylinson house, or at least as normal as anything can be for them. There's always something interesting going on, whether it's planned or unplanned.

This weekend, they are planning to hike up to a lookout for a picnic lunch. However, when Niall wakes up that Saturday morning and jumps out of bed, excited to get going, he notices that it's pouring rain outside. Disappointed, he makes his way toward his fathers' bedroom. He stops and knocks on the door to make sure it's safe to enter. (He's worried about them changing, dirty-minded people. He's 10 and innocent).

"Come in!" is the response, so Niall opens the door to find both men sitting up in bed, both of their attention focussed on a single phone screen, but they put it down when their son walks in.

"It's raining," Niall pouts, plopping on the end of the bed.

"Yeah, sorry bud. We were just looking at the weather, turns out it's going to rain all day," Harry says softly, feeling bad because he knows his ten-year-old was looking forward to the day's plans.

"But, Daddy, I want to go hiking," Niall whines, though he knows they can't do anything about it.

"Hey, it's alright. We can do something else fun!" Louis suggests.

"Like what?" Niall's face has already brightened at his Papa's words.

"Like...a movie day!"

"Yeah! Let's do that!" Niall bounces a bit, excitedly.

"Really, Lou?" Harry mumbles under his breath, but he sighs and nods. "Alright. What do we need for this movie day of yours?"

"Well, we'll need some movies, and pancakes for breakfast..." Louis pauses, thinking.

"And we can stay in our pajamas all day!" Niall adds in, any remaining disappointment gone.

"Okay, okay," Harry sighs, trying to think of the easiest way to execute this idea. "Ni, come help me. We'll make the pancakes and think about movies. Lou, see if Liam's up and collect some extra blankets and stuff to make the living room cozy."

They split up and Louis makes his way to Liam's bedroom. His older son is still asleep, wrapped tightly in his duvet.

"Li," he calls. "Wake up, bud." Louis walks in and gently shakes Liam's shoulder. "C'mon bud, time to get up."

The boy groans and rolls over, squinting one eye open. "Wha?"

"Time to get up. Dad and Niall are making pancakes."

"Don't wanna get up," Liam moans. He's still exhausted, and his head hurts a little bit. "Don't wanna hike." He rolls back over, burying his face in the pillow.

"Well, that's alright, because we aren't going to hike. It's raining, so we're going to have a movie day instead. C'mon, you can even stay in your pajamas all day."

"Fine," the teen mumbles into his pillow before sitting up slowly. His whole body feels kind of odd, his limbs are heavy and sitting up makes him slightly lightheaded.

"Bring your duvet. I'm going to get a couple more blankets from the cupboard and we'll meet in the living room," Louis instructs cheerily, not noticing anything out of the ordinary other than maybe a slightly grumpier mood than normal, and leaves the room.

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