Keeping to myself

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"Okay Sparkles do you have the applications for the new team?" Mark requests walking in my office.

We have taken over for a company that failed at two contracts for support in Africa and now that Wang Security Forces won them we need to staff them. I have become extremely passionate about my new role. I feel like I am ensuring everyone comes home safe. The issues the company had previously were dur to poor planning, I know make sure the teams we send over there have all the equipment they need its also given me a chance to see that Jackson spares no cost for it any time I have asked for more funding for supplies he grants it with no questions. He'd rather cut funding on our end than on the front lines.

" Yeah they are right here" I lift a stack of papers and keep writing" I hate that you somehow have given me the call sign I could kill you for." My middle name is Star thanks to my fathers hippie days. Mark found out on my application and said I sparkled like a star.

" Its a gift you should have seen Catherine the first time I called her 'kitty'" He stand there and laughs.

" I hope she punched you."

" Nah she loves me."

" How is it you manage to drive people insane but they still keep you around?" I ask still keeping my eyes on the paper I am trying to fix the wording is wrong and I want to get it right.

" You know you can take a break and we have killer coffee" Mark's New York accent is thick and I can't help but want to mock him it was the one thing they have always made fun of him for.

" Cawfee?" I smile and mimic him putting the pen on the desk.

" I see we got jokes."

" Only with you, Twilight."

" See?" Mark says as he sprawls out on the loveseat I have in my office" We make a good team you re Sparkles and I am Twilight its like a match made in heaven."

I laugh" I think you are hitting on me Mr. Tuan" I know he's not but its fun to rile him up.

" No I am just kidding" he lifts his hands in mock defense" I wouldn't disrespect you Nayeon."

" Calm down" I shake my head" I know you are not Jinyoung would kick your ass" I reply jokingly and my hand flies to my mouth" I meant.... I...."

Mark stands and heads over toward my desk" He would and so would Jeongyeon, its okay."

" Did someone say my name?" I hear Jeongyeon's voice and my eyes snap up Oh great.

" Hey" I greet her and walk over.

" Her Dreamboat!" Mark smiles and they shake hands and hug.

" What's up man? Long time no see."

Jeongyeon and Mark finish saying hello and catching up briefly before Mark heads out I don't know if Jeongyeon heard and if she did whether it would bother her regardless I am surprised to see her here.

" I wasn't expecting you" My voice is wary.

She enters and closes my door" I know, I sent you a text but you didn't answer I figured I'd stop by."

" Well I am happy to see you" She steps closer and I take a step back why am I retreating from this woman?

" You look beautiful."

" You look incredibly sexy in uniform" I appraise her as she approaches, she's wearing her woodland camo the way the top clings to her chest is hot and I can only image how amazing her ass looks something about the uniforms always makes their asses look fantastic maybe I'll have her spin so I can see.

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