Scared of Her

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My god this woman is killing me, she's got me wrapped around her finger but she doesn't see it. I can't stay away from her no matter what I do. Running is useless anymore, I wind up thinking about her during any song that comes on. The gym is a joke every woman that walks past me I compare to how Nayeon's body is better, I am growing a fucking vagina.

She looks at me like I am saving her, I wish she knew how much she is saving me. I have always been reckless on missions there hasn't been anyone waiting for me at home so I'd take a bullet for anyone. Now during our training I think about how she'd feel how it would be for her if something happened to me not that she loves me.... yet but I know she cares. She sure as hell wouldn't kiss me like that if she didn't.

" So what fine establishment are you guys meeting at?" Nay asks as she shifts in her seat two of my favorite women are with me right now. Robin and Nayeon.

" The Banque" I reply and wait for her reaction. The Banque is a country line-dancing bar its a little run down but we get in free thanks to the owner and there's never a shortage of women willing to give it up.

Nayeon tilts back with a groan.

" What's the matter, sweetheart?" I ask a little condescendingly. I know she hates that place all the wives do.

" Its almost as bad as Hot Tuna. I mean do you guys even want to try to have some game? Or pick up women who aren't laying it all out there for you?"

She's so adorable when she's like this.

" I'll let that slide."

" Let what slide?"

" I have a plenty of game" I let her know" I have never had to work hard."

She snorts and shakes her head" Arrogant ass."

" Don't worry only you get to see my game" I gleam and put my arm behind her seat.

Nayeon slaps my shoulder and smiles" Well maybe you should try a new playbook because you are not getting much here, sweetheart."

" That hurt."

" You'll live."

" You'll pay for it."

Nayeon laughs" I am soooo sure. You don't scare me Yoo Jeongyeon. You are scared of me though."

" Damn fucking right I am" I say under my breath but I am pretty sure she hears me, I am terrified of her. She's everything I want and I have no business wanting her, she's got a kid and has already lost a husband. I live a dangerous life, I love my life and won't give it up there's so much more to fear in this entire thing than just the face that she's my best friends wife. Nayeon has walls and fears that are valid and I know this and I am a selfish prick because I really don't care if she doesn't want me then she can say so but until then.... I want it all with her.

We drive the next few minutes and she stares out the window, I don't know how to handle her sometimes like with the tears. Tears I don't do when we pull up to the bar Nayeon sighs. She gets so deep in her own worries its hard to pull her out, I know this isn't easy and I hate it. I don't have the baggage of worrying what everyone thinks the way she seems to. Quite frankly I don't give a shit. people will judge no matter what and Nayeon and I are grown adults.

" Nay?" I ask her and her head falls to the side as she looks at me.

" You ready to stake your claim, Dreamboat?" she smiles and my worry fades away.

" Stake my claim?"

" You know.... let everyone know we are together."

I lean forward and she turns to look at me" Is this what you want?"

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