Low Sugar

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" I have got a few things on the calendar I need to make sure we are ready for" Mark says in his command voice.

We had a small issue on the mission in Kuwait some of the guys had rounds missing that I know for a fact I ordered it reminds us all of the problems that led to Jinyoung's explosion and Jackson's shooting all of us are in edge and double- checking everything they have been two more things that seemed fishy but we caught them before anything could happen.

" I don't know what the fuck is going on but until we do everyone is on their 'A' game I want nothing overlooked and if you have to check it ten times then do it I won't have another life lost on our watch."

Everyone nods and starts to filter out.

" Nay can you hold up a minute?" Mark asks.

" What's up?"

" I want to run a few things by you and make sure we are all on the same page."

I tilt my head wondering where he could be going with this" Okay?"

" we want to bring Jinyoung back to work his doctors think he needs to establish some kind of consistency and I know it could be uncomfortable for you both but...."

" I get it" I glance away and try to think about Jinyoung these are his friends and this was his job I shouldn't feel disappointed but I love it here.

" No Sparkles..." Mark smiles and I roll my eyes " I am not asking you to step down."

" He deserves to be here" I say and place my hand on his arm" I can find a job somewhere else."

" Fucking hell woman" He grabs my shoulders and shakes me gently" Are all of you this damn dense?"

" I know you are not talking to me like that" I widen my eyes and he smirks.

Mark has been strange the last few weeks I haven't taken too much notice because I have been so out of it myself but he's been irritable and very unlike him he even mentioned going to spend time in Washington D.C. for a meeting with some top officials.

He speaks but everything suddenly goes tunnel vision I feel lightheaded again and I try to grab the table I am going down.

" Nay?" I hear Mark call out.

But my hand is weak and I fall to the ground then everything goes black.

" We are on our way to the hospital" I hear Mark talking as I start to wake" She's fine she passed out."

I open my eyes and I am being loaded into an ambulance what the hell? " Mark" I grumble I am so tired.

He puts his phone in his pocket and grabs my hand" You know if you wanted some attention you just had to tell me."

I think I smile but I am not sure" What happened?"

" You went down it wasn't long but we want you to get checked out and since the ambulance happened to be a block away they got here really quick."

The EMT pushes Mark back a little then starts to take my vitals" I need some information" he asks me all the basic questions and continues to ask about the frequency of the dizzy spells he checks my sugar levels and asks if I am diabetic.

Once we arrive at the emergency room I answer some questions before they start running some blood tests I have been poked and prodded more than I care to know.

" SO" Mark puts his feet on the edge of the bed and reclines back" we can avoid burning vacation time if we talk work and I am all about making Jackson pay so lets chat."

Second Best(2yeon/Najeong version)Where stories live. Discover now