chapter 1

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There he was,

Lee Donghyuck: one of SM High School's most popular student, baseball player to be exact; walking down the halls of the building, one hand holding the strap of his bag that was on his shoulder and the other hand in his pocket.

He was wearing his favorite black leather jacket with a white t shirt that stuck to his body, displaying his defined stomach. His faded pink hair gelled back which revealed his forehead. The tight black jeans he wore exposed his thighs because of the exotic ripped pattern.

It was the end of the school day, meaning practice was going to begin in a few minutes. Stopping by his locker, he shoved his bag in it since he didn't bother bringing his school books home. He always makes sure he is finished with his school work in class so that he could focus solely on baseball practice.

His father practically threw him in this sport when he was about five years old, having no choice and no opposition. He didn't want to be of disappointment to his father so he continued through his school years, learning that he is actually pretty good at it.

He'd rather play baseball than hear his father's mouth anyway.

Although, something altered his enjoyment into displeasure.

Donghyuck listened as the whispers and gasping of females surrounding his hearing. He was used to it as it was nothing new. He had good looks, good work ethics, and good skills in all sorts of activities so it was normal for him to be the talk of the school amongst all the teenaged girls and boys who had crushes on him.

He never liked the attention and tried his hardest to prevent it, but after a while he got used to it as there really wasn't anything that could be done. He's tried everything, even going beyond the means of scaring the students.

But nothing ever worked as they all just continued to constantly praise him. As much as he would rather live without it, he'd rather hear praise from someone than listen to his father's unnecessary nagging.

He pulled out his phone, checking the time and shoved it back into his pocket. Closing the door of his locker, he felt an arm hook around his neck as the top of his head was being ruffled, messing up his perfectly styled hair.

He clicked his tongue and looked at the culprit, his best friend.

"Woah, what's with the stank look?" Jeno, his best friend, questioned with a teasing grin. He knew damn well why his best friend was looking at him the way he was. He just wanted to get on the other's nerves.

Jeno had blonde hair, letting a few strands cover his forehead. He always had ear piercings since he was a child, two silver studs on each ear lobe. He had been friends with Donghyuck for the longest time, partially the reason being that they were cousins. Jeno was always someone Donghyuck went to when he couldn't stand being at home.

"Don't touch my hair," Donghyuck sternly said as Jeno failed to listen to him and touched it again. Donghyuck let out a sigh. "You never listen to me. How does your boyfriend deal with you?" Donghyuck referred to Jaemin, Jeno's significant other.

"Honestly, I don't even know myself," Jeno admitted with a chuckle.

"Whatever. Let's just go to practice." Donghyuck shrugged Jeno's arm that was around him and headed to the gymnasium's locker room to change into his baseball uniform and gear. And of course, fixing his now frizzed hair with some hair spray he had in his gym locker.

He had four pairs of his uniform: two for practice and two for games. He grabbed his duffle bag and took out his equipment that the team will be using today, which were his baseball glove and the padding for his uniform. Today's agenda was strictly on stamina and catching as per the coaches orders.

He slipped on his white pants, rolling it up so that his black knee high socks wouldn't get wrinkled, which he found extremely uncomfortable. He made sure the paddings on his pants were secured before removing his jacket and shirt, throwing over a black tank top that revealed his collarbones. He put on his uniformed shirt, leaving it unbuttoned and pushed his feet into his black cleats.

"Coach is going to yell at you again for not buttoning your shirt," Jeno reminded as Donghyuck rolled his eyes, grabbing his baseball cap and fitting it on his head backwards.

"What else is fucking new? All everyone does is nag me for meaningless crap," Donghyuck snorted before grabbing his glove and popping a piece of bubble gum into his mouth, blowing a huge bubble in Jeno's face before jogging out of the locker room.

The rest of the team was stretching in the gym, waiting for the last few members to come out of the locker rooms. Donghyuck and Jeno joined them, placing an arm over their head and the other arm on top of that one to stretch. Soon, the coach came out and unlocked the doors so that the team could start heading out onto the field.

The baseball team is running short on members this year--only having the returning nine members--because of the graduated seniors from last year's class were no longer apart of the team and were off to college.

It was still only the beginning of the school year, meaning they had enough time to recruit new members and practice to improve their skills before the baseball games begin at the beginning of winter.


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