chapter 17

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~Eight years ago~

It was a beautiful spring day, flowers blooming and trees changing back into their fully green color. The air was fresh and breezy, the wind flowing gently. Ten year old Donghyuck and six year old Sunny were sitting on the grass in their front lawn, playing with Sunny's toys that she had brought out.

It was a pretty Saturday afternoon and their parents were getting ready to all go out to the mall, shopping. Sunny loved going to the mall specifically for the plushie store. Donghyuck had saved up all his allowance to get the plushie that Sunny wants the most, a frog plushie. She had been talking about it nonstop and Donghyuck made it his goal to get it for her.

"Let's go, guys!" Their mother called them to get inside the car as their father was already in the drivers seat.

The two kids raced to the car and put on their seatbelts. Jeno was supposed to come along with them, but he had a friend over today, someone named Jaemin.

"Haechannie, can we play catch later?!?" Sunny asked her older brother with an excited smile.

"Of course we can!" Donghyuck said.

Baseball was Donghyuck's favorite sport and he had been doing it for a few years already. He was a natural at the sport as his dad also helped him with his practicing since he played baseball in high school when he was a teenager. Donghyuck and his father also had baseball to bond over which made the little boy happy to share his experiences. He loved the sport so much and wanted to always keep playing for the rest of his life..

Sunny looked up to Donghyuck as the best baseball player on the planet. Call her biased, she would not care because it was true and everyone around them knew it.

The four of them were a pretty happy family. Their parents always made time for them on the weekends since they were always so busy during the week with their jobs. Both Donghyuck and Sunny were very understanding children and when their parents were not able to be with them, at least they were able to be with each other.

They arrived at the mall as their father parked the car. Sunny and Donghyuck immediately dashed out of the car and into the building. Their parents caught up with them a few seconds later, scolding them nicely for running in the middle of a parking lot like that. The two looked downed and nodded their heads after being told never to do that again.

"What store do you want to go to first?" Their father asked and Sunny's smile beamed.

But before she could say what store she wanted to go to, their father had received an important business call.

"Excuse me, guys. I'll be right back," the man said as he walked in the parking lot to take the call.

The expression on their father's face worried the two children as their mother smiled to assure them.

"I'll go check on your father. What store do you want to go to?" She asked them.

"The plushie store!" Sunny said as Donghyuck giggled, holding the small little girl's hand.

"Okay! Donghyuck, take your sister to the plushie store for a bit. I want you guys back at this very spot when you're done if we don't come to you by the time you're finished, understand?" Their mother rationalized as the two nodded their heads.

"Yes!" Donghyuck said.

She knew Donghyuck was responsible enough to do this and come right back. Even though he can be a troublemaker, she trusts him and always seeks out the best intentions in him. Donghyuck would never ever want to break either of his parents trust so he listened carefully to his mother's exact words.

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