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*2 years later*

"Thank you for coming in today, Donghyuck. Remember the techniques we practiced today to help ease your anxiety," Suho, Donghyuck's psychiatrist of one and a half years bid him farewell.

Donghyuck had been living with his aunt uncle and Jeno for two years now and his aunt had a serious conversation with him about what he would like to be done in the terms of his parents. His aunt and uncle had taken Donghyuck's parents to court for full custody of Donghyuck, meaning that his aunt and uncle will have the power to make sure his parents do not come near the boy unless Donghyuck himself wanted to see them while living under their roof. This was all in a signed agreement that Donghyuck made sure to sign for.

"I will try to. Goodbye," Donghyuck waved his hand and left Suho's office to go home.

He hopped in the drivers seat of his car, where his boyfriend had taken a nap while waiting for him to finish his therapy session. Donghyuck's aunt had helped the boy make an appointment with Suho, who was a close friend of Donghyuck's uncle, once the male had expressed that he was ready to talk to someone and receive help. Both his aunt and uncle could not be more proud of Donghyuck.

Donghyuck started the car and began driving, being as silent as he could so that he would not wake his boyfriend up. Him, Mark, and Jeno had graduated high school two years ago and were now in college. They did not live on campus though and instead, commuted to and from school.

Donghyuck had received a full scholarship to his university from playing baseball and from having excellent academics. It was currently the beginning of their second year of college as Donghyuck decided on his major being music engineering, which was something he figured out he liked to do last year as Mark was so happy for him discovering a new passion other than what he used to have for baseball.

Many Ivy League Universities had scouted Donghyuck out, but the male chose a school that was close to home and a school that both Jeno and Mark would be enrolled in too.

Donghyuck had taken a break from baseball while Jeno was on the college team. The coaches knew about what happened in the past and how overwhelming it must have been for the male to continue to play like nothing happened. They told him that they would always have a spot open for him on the team for whenever he was ready.

The now black haired male was thankful for their understanding and Jeno would always give him rundowns on how practices and games went for the day. Sure, Donghyuck might miss it, but he does not think he was ready to face the sport again so soon after everything that has happened.

On the drive home, the black haired male's thoughts wandered back to his last day he saw his parents again in his house. The day all hell broke loose when he was packing to leave. The last time he saw his parents ever again actually.

"I can't believe you would do such a thing! And especially to your son!" Donghyuck's aunt had yelled while he ran upstairs to pack his bags.

"You don't know anything that is going on. So mind your damn business," Donghyuck's father spat.

"You put Donghyuck through so much! Both of you did! Do you have any idea of how bad this tormented your son?! He lost his sister for crying out loud, his best friend!" She slapped her brother's chest, not hard but enough to express her frustration.

"How do you think I felt when I lost my daughter?!" Donghyuck's father shot back as an excuse.

"You all were in pain. But the last thing that should have happened was this treatment you gave Donghyuck from the both of you!" His aunt pointed at his father and then his mother.

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