chapter 2

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"Lee!" The coach yelled out, allowing two heads looking at the coach in confusion.

"Not you, blonde!" Jeno turned to Donghyuck and pat him on the shoulder with a sly smirk before running onto the field.

"I'm talking about our Mr. Perfectionist rebeller who never listens to me!" Everyone knew who that was, leaving Donghyuck with the coach in the dugout.

Donghyuck stood there without a care in the world, his gloved hand on his left hip as he continued chewing his gum excessively since he knew the coach was about to make him spit it out.

"You know the rules, Mr. Perfectionist. Spit it out," The coach demanded, holding the spit bucket up to Donghyuck's face.

The teen blew one last bubble, leaning into the coaches face for it to pop on his nose. With a chuckle, Donghyuck spit it out as the coach tried his best to remain calm and not lash out at the teenager who obviously did not give two shits about anything, knowing his father is forcing him to play this sport.

It's ironic how such an intelligent boy who gets all his work done before school ends, is such a troublemaker.

"Button up the jersey," The coach swirled his finger at Donghyuck's upper body.

Donghyuck only buttoned one button which made the coach glare at him. Rolling his eyes, Donghyuck buttoned the rest but left the top one undone.

"Thoust thee now satisfied yee's needs?" Donghyuck attempted his Shakespearean language which made the coach take a breath, not wanting this teenager to ruin his day with his wise guy antics.

"Very. Now, get on the field," The coach instructed as Donghyuck gave a sly smirk before running out of the dugout and onto the field to reach Jeno.

"What am I going to do with him?" The coach clicked his tongue before observing the players on the field throwing and catching the baseball.

Lee Donghyuck...well he was quite the perfectionist.

He always made sure his work was done correctly, double checking his work before turning it in. During baseball practice, when someone would mess up or get caught running to the base, Donghyuck would yell at the player in his mind and show them how it was done.

Everything had to be perfect. His school work, his baseball games, his appearance. If something was done wrong or was out of place, he would flip out and lose his mind. Some may say it's a sickness, but Donghyuck just says "it's called having good sense, dickheads."

That's where Donghyuck got the nickname by his coach and everyone at school....

Mr. Perfectionist.

"Told you that you'd get yelled at," Jeno stated, throwing the ball towards Donghyuck who caught it.

"For your information, I did not get yelled at. I was just being demanded in an assertive tone. Thank you very much" Donghyuck said as a matter of fact before throwing the ball back at Jeno.

"Whatever you say," Jeno sighed with a tsk. "You know, coach might tell your dad about this."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes as he caught the ball again and threw it back at a fast pace, making Jeno dive onto the ground to catch it.

"Dude, what the fuck!"

"Sorry, I thought my dad was watching," Donghyuck flashed his puppy eyes, his lips pouted with his pointer finger on them as he looked up innocently.

Obviously, there is some type of tension between Donghyuck and his father that the teen has not yet informed Jeno about.

Practice after school is about two hours long. During today's practice, the players worked on stamina for an hour and speed in their throwing and catching skills for the last hour. After what felt like an eternity for the coach, practice finally ended.

"Gather around!" The coach yelled after he blew his whistle and the nine players ran to him.

"We'll be having baseball tryouts at the end of next month so make sure you promote it around the building. We need at least five more players to play in the winter. The more the better. Alright? Dismissed!" The coach said as everyone followed him to open up the locker rooms again.

Back into his previous clothes, Jeno and Donghyuck grabbed their bags and began to head home. Both Jeno and Donghyuck live across the street from one another, which is very convenient for Donghyuck when he wants to escape his parent's nagging.

And that is exactly where Donghyuck was heading.

They entered Jeno's house and greeted Jeno's parents, Donghyuck's favorite aunt and uncle.

"My, Hyuckie!" Jeno's mother jogged up to the pink haired teen and placed her palms on his cheeks, giving them a squeeze as she peppered them with small kisses.

Donghyuck just smiled and slowly removed himself from her grasp. While Jeno's father patted both him and Jeno on the back.

"Sorry, dear. I know you don't really like that," Jeno's mother apologized, knowing that Donghyuck is not really too much into affection and people touching him.

"Ma~" Jeno whined. "What about me?" The blonde opened his arms to welcome his mother's embrace as she kissed his forehead.

"My beautiful babies!"

Donghyuck's aunt and uncle are basically like his second parents.

After eating dinner, Donghyuck and Jeno went up to the blonde's room, the pink haired throwing himself on Jeno's bed and the older throwing himself beside him.

"Are you staying over tonight?" Jeno asked and Donghyuck groaned into the mattress.

"I would if I could, but 'it's a school night' " Donghyuck imitated his own mother, though, sounding muffled.

"Shouldn't you head home now then? It's almost eight. Your dad is going to kill you," Jeno warned as Donghyuck rolled on his back, turning his head to look at Jeno.

"Bold of you to assume I'm scared of my father," Donghyuck clicked his tongue, rolling it on the inside of his right cheek.

"But you are.."

There was silence and Jeno knew better than to continue his defense and began talking about something else.

"Can I check my answers with your work in statistics? I feel like I got a couple of the questions wrong so I just want to make sure."

Without answering him, Donghyuck got up and dug inside his back pack for his statistics assignment, throwing the notebook at Jeno's face.

"Thanks," Jeno rubbed his forehead as Donghyuck only hummed in response, but Jeno knew the younger was bothered.


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