chapter 15

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Jeno heard a knock on the door as he quietly left the room to make sure he did not wake his cousin up. He opened the door and invited Mark inside who was wearing a brown shirt with a cartoon bear head on it with black baggy jean shorts as his hair looked like it had been messed with. If Donghyuck saw the older now, he would totally coo out loud.

Mark kicked off his Nikes as Jeno offered him something to eat, but the older declined his offer politely since he had just eaten at home.

"Thank you for coming. I know you were busy," Jeno rubbed the back of his nape to which Mark immediately shook his head and hands frantically.

"No, no! I wasn't really busy! Besides, this is more important," Mark said as he felt a small blush creep on his cheeks when Jeno smirked at his comment.

Jeno guided the chocolate haired male to his room and before entering, he put his pointer finger against his lips as a shushing gesture as he opened the door, revealing the sleeping Donghyuck laying on his own shoulder on Jeno's mattress.

"I have to call my boyfriend right now. Do you mind staying in here for a bit until I come back?" Jeno whispered as Mark nodded his head in agreement. "Thanks." Jeno left the room to FaceTime his boyfriend Jaemin as Mark cautiously sat on Jeno's desk chair, trying his very best not to wake the other up.

He could not help but admire the sleeping boy and how he looked godly in his slumber in simple black clothes. Mark just wanted to touch the other's cheek, but he knew he should not do that as it might wake him up...

But what if it doesn't wake him up? That was the question that ran through the chocolate haired male's head before standing up to crawl on Jeno's bed, slowly reaching his out to remove the bucket at that covered a portion of his face. He then gently brushed a tuft of his hair back so it would not be in his eye before caressing his cheek with his thumb adoringly.

Donghyuck's eyes had opened groggily as Mark immediately retracted his hand. However to Mark's surprise, Donghyuck snatched his hand back to place it on his cheek again which shocked the other frozen. The two kept eye contact until it was too much for Mark to handle, looking above the younger's eyes at his hand that was placed onto the other's hair as he stroked his fingers through Donghyuck's locks.

Donghyuck melted into the other's touch as he pushed his head forward to meet Mark's hand. It felt really good and it was almost too good to be true. Donghyuck hated skin ship and any sort of physical affection, but here he was now, letting Mark play with his hair lovingly as he actually enjoyed it.

His enjoyment ended when all his thoughts were training back to him again. He abruptly sat up on the bed, making Mark's hand forcefully drop on his lap.

"Sorry if I hurt you," Donghyuck apologized with his head hung low.

"You don't have anything to apologize for," Mark smiled sweetly, Donghyuck staring at the boy's gorgeous smile.

"You're so cute that it drives me insane," Donghyuck blurred out boldly which made Mark a blushing mess under his stare.

"I-I'm not cute," Mark denied to which Donghyuck scoffed, clicking his tongue as he then rolled his tongue on the side of his cheek to poke it.

"That is so hot" Mark thought dreamily, practically too stunned to speak.

"You are cute. I will not let you deny it so end of discussion," Donghyuck stated.

All these compliments and pet names Donghyuck has called him always drives Mark insane internally, but he knows he shows it externally which is why Donghyuck continues and teases him a lot. He likes it though and he is happy that he and Donghyuck are finally getting close again.

"Is there any specific reason you wanted to see me today? N-not that I am complaining or mind though!" Mark quickly said before calming down and speaking again. "I'm really happy to see you."

"I'm happy to see you as well," Donghyuck started as he smile softly at the older. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to get back to you."

Mark shook his head with a small smile on his face.

"It is not your fault. T-there was nothing you could do about it because you were not feeling the greatest," Mark stated in understanding as Donghyuck bit his lip, wanting to say something but he was not sure if he should.

"You can speak up, Hyuck," Mark encouraged him.

Maybe he'll say a bit.

"I was in the hospital because I had a small brain bleed age. They were able to treat it right away because of how quickly I was brought to the hospital," Donghyuck said, forcing himself to forget what happened.

"What?!" Mark screamed and jumped onto the younger's lap, cupping Donghyuck's cheeks to examine his face as the other giggled at the action.

Man, Mark was really something special. He really distracts Donghyuck's mind from thinking about doing terrible things whether it would be to people or to himself. He was extremely grateful for him as he really feels they have such a strong connection. It's crazy how they can have such a bond at so little time to click with each other and it almost made Donghyuck think he had known him for so much longer.

"I'm okay now, Mark. Dont worry," Donghyuck promised as Mark pouted and oh how badly did Donghyuck just want to devour his lips like there was no tomorrow.

"But still!!"

Donghyuck stared hard at the older's lips and as if Mark could tell, he started doing the same thing as he eyes dropped to Donghyuck's plump lips. They felt their bodies leaning closer as if they were compelled by magnets to meet it's perfect match of chemistry. Donghyuck placed a hand at the back of Mark's neck, pulling him in closer before his lips finally met with the other's.

Their lips danced around sweetly. It was pure innocence and love. The kiss they shared sent butterflies to each other stomachs but it hit the older's stomach harder, that his hands slowly fell from Donghyuck's face and onto his broad shoulders instead because of of jellylike his arms felt.

Donghyuck was happy knowing his wish of kissing the older finally came true and little did he know Mark was feeling the same exact way.

"Alright, I'm ba- OH?!!!!"

The two kissing teens froze and pulled away quickly as Jeno just walked into the room with his mouth wide open. Mark was nervous and quite embarrassed that Donghyuck's cousin had just caught them kissing.

"I was gone for twenty minutes and you guys are practically fucking on my bed!" Jeno hollered as Donghyuck rolled his eyes.

"Jeno, don't be so dramatic. You know that is not true and it did not happen. It was a kiss," Donghyuck stated as a matter of fact as Mark hid his face on the pink haired male's chest.

"It will be you two fucking when I tell Jaemin," Jeno smirked as Donghyuck's eyes widen.

"Don't you dare say a word to that bunny rabbit!" Donghyuck threatened, Mark could feel the vibration from Donghyuck's chest against his ear as he enjoyed the pink haired male's warmth of his body.

"MARK AND DONGHYUCK SITTING IN A TREE~" Jeno yelled as he ran out of his room. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!"

Donghyuck sighed and tapped Mark shoulder as a signal for the older to look up at him with a lost puppy expression. Donghyuck cooed.

"Please excuse me for a moment while I hunt him down and kill him," Donghyuck said as Mark slid off of him, allowing Donghyuck to run out of the room and chase Jeno.

All Mark could hear from Jeno's room were Jeno's laughter and footsteps running around the house. It was not until Mark heard a yelp and screech of pain from Jeno, that he figured Donghyuck had caught him. Mark chuckled to himself at the thought of the scene of the two cousins.


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