chapter 8

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Donghyuck had gone back home across the street, locking the door behind him. His parents still are not home yet and the pink haired male is glad about that. He kicked off his sneakers for the nth time today and put his keys back on the hook by the front door before jogging up the stairs.

He grabbed his pajamas that were neatly lain on his bed and snatched his towel before heading to the bathroom. Donghyuck turned the nob of the faucet in the shower to allow the water to take time to become hot. He then removed his clothes and tossed them into the dirty laundry bin.

He stepped into the tub, one foot after another as he let the water hit his chest. His thoughts traveled back to this afternoon, thinking about his past interaction with his childhood memories.....

More like childhood trauma.

His eyes started to burn and well up with tears as he scrubbed his hair with shampoo and then conditioner right after rinsing the other substance out. He turned the nob to make the water fall out hotter, burning his skin to the point that it turned red.

He was used to it though, he liked the feeling. He enjoyed the feeling of pain on his body.

Still thinking about it, Donghyuck scrubbed his body roughly, chanting to himself as the voice of an older dominant figure echoed in his brain.

"Dirty," he scrubbed.

"Dirty," he scratched.

"You're so fucking dirty!" He dug his nails into his arm, dragging his hand down his wrist.

He felt an unfamiliar sting on his arm and looked at it, noticing that he was bleeding due to scrubbing and scratching too hard. Donghyuck did not care though. He let the boiling water continue to sting the newly made cuts on his body.

He rinsed his body after his scrubbing session. Letting the water pour down onto his hair which trickled down his body, he sighed and then shut the water off. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his wet hands and opened the shower curtain to reach for his towel.

He dried his body from head to toe, letting his legs step out of the tub.  He slid on his sleep clothes and grabbed his towel to bring it back to his room after leaving the bathroom.

He turned on the light in his room and hung his towel up before throwing himself on his bed, stretching his arm to his nightstand to grab his phone. However, he glanced at his phone with one brow raised as he saw that there had been a thread of messages from Mark from over a half hour ago.

Damn he had been in the shower for more than twenty minutes. He was too caught up inside his head that he spent longer than expected in the shower.

Cute moron
Hiii, it's me Mark.
I just wanted to thank you for helping me today...
Both with those bullies and with my batting stands
I'm free everyday basically, so really it's whatever time that works best for you for some baseball training.
Or maybe you changed your mind..
It's okay if you don't want to help me!!
I understand
I will still try out for the team!
I'm sorry for bothering you
Maybe we can still be friends though...maybe?
Or not, if you don't want to
I won't push you, I swear
That is exactly what I'm doing
I'm being pushy
Omg I'm sorry!!!!! 😭
I'll stop texting you now
Have a good night, Peter ♥️
(Delivered at 8:38pm)

Donghyuck read each and every message from Mark, flashing a small smile that illuminated his facial features. But his smile immediately faltered when he heard the front door open downstairs and his mother's and father's voice resonated through the walls.

He quickly stood up from his bed and shut his light off, making sure his nightlight was working well. He laid back down on his bed after plugging his phone into the charger, forcing himself to go to sleep so that he did not have to greet his parents.

Meanwhile on Mark's side, the chocolate haired male was laying on his tummy on his mattress, kicking his feet behind him as he waited for a response from Donghyuck.

Maybe he was a little too obsessive?

It's not his fault that he has the most deepest crush on the younger pink haired male. He just can not help it. He has had a crush on him since the ending of  sixth grade in middle school, when Donghyuck had his natural dark brown hair color. Now that they were seniors, Mark's feelings still had never changed even after five and a half years.

Mark always kept himself hidden though, even when they were small kids. He highly doubted Donghyuck even remembered he existed in the first place, which saddened him but he knew it was not the younger male's fault.

Sighing softly, he opened his messaging app to check if Donghyuck responded. But he saw that the younger did not, he left him on seen instead.

Mark pouted with a frown and put his phone to charge. He stood up from his bed, pain shooting in his left calve that made him fall back on his bed. His hissed as he sat down, raising his left leg up to massage his calve muscle gently. Once he felt like he could probably stand up again, he did.

He limped his way to the bathroom to use it and wash his hands after. Walking out of the bathroom, he saw his mom coming out of her room.

"Why are you still up, hun?" His mother asked him and slowly walked over to him, embracing her son in her hold.

"I was just about to go to sleep now," he sighed and hugged her back.

"Okay, good night," she kissed his cheek before making her way to the kitchen, more than likely to make herself a cup of coffee.

He headed back to his room and laid down on his bed, the light from his alarm clock shining in the room. He stared up at the ceiling for a while and that is when he heard a soft knock on his door a few minutes later as the door crept open. In revealed his mother again with two mugs in her hand.

She carefully made her way to his bed as he sat up. His mother slowly gave him one of the mugs, which had warm milk in it. Mark thanked her softly. She knew her son suffered from insomnia ever since he was a little was not his fault though and he just could not help it.

She wished she could take it away from him so that Mark could sleep soundly, but unfortunately it did not work like that. Mark had tried a countless number of medications of sleep aids, but nothing worked. How could it? How could it work when his brain just wants to keep him up thinking about the past?

He finished sipping his warm milk and gave his now empty mug back to his mother who smiled at him and wished him a goodnight once again.

Why does one's thoughts from the past create such an affect on people? Why can one not just forget about it and move on to?

The answer that both Mark and Donghyuck believed was quite simple, was that life just sucks and the universe wants them to be miserable.

Their misery will not last forever, though. Will it?


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