chapter 6

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"Oh come on, Donghyuck!" A blonde haired tall male tried to convince in between his chuckles. "The ball did not even hit you that hard!"

"You're lucky that you're Jeno's boyfriend, otherwise, I would have grabbed you by the neck and strangled you to death," Donghyuck glared at the laughing male, Jaemin.

"Oh Hyuck. Does our friendship mean nothing to you? You'd really kill your best friend?" Jaemin dramatically said.

"You know when you put it that way..." Donghyuck paused for a moment to think, his finger on his chin. "Yes, bitch."

Donghyuck raised his hand in the air, threatening the younger as Jaemin ran to his last class of the day. Donghyuck put his arm down as he shook his head, walking to his last class for today as well.

Finally, dismissal came and Donghyuck was more than relieved to get the hell out of school. He had already finished all of his assignments of course during class, instead of paying attention to the notes. He gathered his bag and went to his locker, looking at his reflection in his mirror as he tamed his hair with his hands.

Once his finished, he shut his locker but jumped with a startle because of someone standing right next to his locker.

"I-I I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you... I should have m-made myself noticeable."

"Ya think? A little warning next time, Mark," Donghyuck told him as the other nodded. "Is there something you need?"

"I-I was wondering i-if maybe I could get your number," Mark scratched the back of his head as he looked anywhere but Donghyuck's eyes.

Donghyuck bent down forward to forcibly meet the other's eyes, leaving Mark no choice but to look at him which made the chocolate haired flush red.

"Do you think we're close enough for that?" Donghyuck spat, an eyebrow raised.

Just before Mark opened his mouth, Donghyuck spoke gently as his eyes turned soft.

"Think before you speak. You try to get everything out all at once and then you start to stutter. Your Korean is not bad, just think about what you want to say first, alright?"

Mark nodded.

Donghyuck pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it, handing his phone to Mark with his contacts open. Mark slowly took it and inserted his number into the other's phone.

As this was happening, Donghyuck had the chance to fully stare at the other in front of him. Mark was cute. He had a little animated lion printed on the center of his red shirt as his golden circular glasses were hooked on the collar and wore blue jeans that had small rips.

Mark's concentrated face as he typed his number into Donghyuck's phone made the pink haired smile a bit.

"Cute little moron." Donghyuck thought to himself.

What is he doing? He does not like attention from anybody so why is he entertaining Mark? Why is he letting this person he barely even knows talk to him and interact with him so much?

Donghyuck is so confused as to why he is acting like this. This is totally not him at all and it is frightening.

Mark interrupted his thoughts and returned Donghyuck's phone. The pink haired glanced at the new number in his phone and typed Mark's name in. He texted the number, saying it was Donghyuck as he heard Mark's notification go off.

Mark whipped out his phone and read the message from Donghyuck until the other caught his attention again.

"There." Donghyuck said and winked right after. "Now you have my number."

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