chapter 12

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Donghyuck reached home before total darkness approached him. He kicked off his boots and headed straight upstairs to his bathroom to wash his hands and then to his bedroom to grab his pajamas after putting his things in his closet. He went back into the bathroom and turned the shower on to let the warm water going.

Sure, he had taken a shower earlier but he could  not help but still felt so dirty. He scrubbed his body with the very little strength that he had left as his head was throbbing from pain. His body felt weak, warm, and overall, terrible. He needed to rest, but he had to clean himself first and foremost no matter what.

He thought back to earlier events with Mark being so understanding with him. It almost felt like he knew Mark his whole life...

Donghyuck was appreciative to the other very much. He rinsed his body, forgetting that he was in the shower. He dried his body with his towel and slid on his pajamas. He was heading to his room to finally rest, however, luck was not on his side as his father was leaning against the wall next to the bathroom door with his arms crossed.

"Oh my fucking god. Not now," Donghyuck thought.

"Do you realize what time it is?" His father questioned him and Donghyuck did not have the energy to respond so he just continued walking to his room.

"Hey!" Donghyuck's father shouted. "I'm talking to you!"

However, Donghyuck just continued on his way, but his father had other plans as he smacked him in the back of his head, which was where Donghyuck's migraine was most evident and painful at the moment.

Donghyuck fell to his knees, losing balance and wincing in pain as he held the back of his head in pain, his fingers slowly interlocking with his damp hair. His eyes were tearing as he tried to look up, but his sight was blurring by the second and it was getting harder and harder to keep his focus clear.

He tightly shut his eyes as one of his hands reached out to use the wall as balance to help him stand up. He slowly turned his body around to face his father without looking him in the eyes. His father stood there with his hands on his hips, tapping the floor with his foot in annoyance.

"Are you done being dramatic?" He insulted and Donghyuck did his best to hold every emotion he was feeling inside him.

"Where have you been? You weren't with Jeno," he continued interrogating like he started to earlier.


Donghyuck's response seemed to anger his father more, but let's be honest. Everything Donghyuck did angered his father. His father smacked him across the side of his head which knocked Donghyuck back off balance as he dropped to the floor.

"You ungrateful brat! I only ask you where you have been and you give me an attitude!" His father screamed at him as Donghyuck was having trouble remaining in his consciousness.

"It should've been you who fucking died!"

And that was the last thing that Donghyuck heard before he lost consciousness, in hopes for his own and his father's wish to come true.

Donghyuck's wish unfortunately did not come true as he slowly awoken to the sound of machines beeping all around him. He blinked his eyes a few times before looking at the atmosphere around him. He looked down and observed the hospital gown he had on. He noticed needles and an IV bag poked into his veins, giving him extra nutrients and fluids from what he had lost.

"How did I get here?"

He had a countless of questions as to how and why he ended up in a hospital. All he remembered was his father smacking the living crap out of him while having a migraine before he blacked out. Interrupting his thoughts, a doctor came with his clipboard in hand.

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