chapter 16

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Weeks had went by as today was finally the day of baseball tryouts for new incoming teammates this Wednesday afternoon. Realistically whether or not they were not good, they would still be accepted into the team because they need extra bodies. The coach will have to deal with training them.

Donghyuck had been helping Mark with his baseball training so that he could do well. It had been weeks since they kissed and neither of them had the guts to bring it up to ask what it meant. Nonetheless, the two were becoming more affectionate with each other which made the students that were head over heels for Donghyuck quite angry.

"Ready for tryouts, cutie?" Donghyuck asked Mark who blushed at the pet name.

"I think so," Mark answered with a small shrug as he walked with Donghyuck to the gymnasium after school with a limp that went unnoticed by the pink haired male.

"You'll do great, especially after receiving personal training from yours truly," Donghyuck smugly said with a smirk as Mark playfully rolled his eyes.

"I did learn from the best, didn't I?" Mark bit his lip unintentionally to which lead Donghyuck to think back to their kiss they shared a few weeks ago, wanting to do it again.

Donghyuck cleared his throat as he shook his head to snap out of his thoughts. Over the past few weeks, Donghyuck had also been helping Mark with his pronunciation in Korean as the older has been stuttering less. He was proud of him.

They arrived at the gymnasium where other students who were trying out had been stretching and practicing their throwing. Mark gulped at the sight and was nervous, grabbing Donghyuck's sleeve tightly. Donghyuck felt the older tense with his grasp and immediately faced him with a sweet smile, ruffling his chocolate hair.

"You're going to do so well, pretty," Donghyuck told him, boldly leaning in to kiss the top of Mark's forehead softly leaving the older a blushing mess.

Mark took a deep breath before nodding his head to reassure himself as Donghyuck found the sight the cutest thing on the planet. Mark had really made Donghyuck forget the hell he has been living in. Of course, only when he goes home is when he can not help to think about it. But when the two of them are together, something happens and something sparks between the two of them that Donghyuck wants to make sure he treasures closely. He does not want to lose what they have for the world.

"All students intending to tryout, please come and sign this sheet!" The coach blew his whistle and a train of students lined up to sign the sheet.

"I'll wait for you right here, don't worry," Donghyuck told the older who nodded and reluctantly went in line to wait his turn.

The members on the team did not have to show up for today which was why Jeno was not here as he would rather be with his boyfriend Jaemin. However, Donghyuck is here for the sake of the cute chocolate haired male to support him since he knew Mark must be extremely nervous.

He saw Mark limping towards him which made him confused, tilting his head.

"I signed it!" Mark said happily, ignoring the pain in his calf and trying his best not to make it noticeable that he was hurting.

"Hold on," Donghyuck stopped Mark from coming any further as the pink haired male himself walked up to him.

What caught Mark off guard was when Donghyuck dropped to his knees and began massaging the calf that was in pain through his sweatpants. Mark winced at the action, making Donghyuck slow his movements and be gentler. Mark bit his lip, not in pain but trying not to blurt anything out that unnecessary to be said at the moment.

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