chapter 5

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Jeno was about to yank Donghyuck's perfectly gelled hair because class was about to begin. Although, he did not have to because as soon as the teacher was about to begin speaking, the classroom door slammed open which made Donghyuck jump up and stare at the cause of his tiny heart attack.

Revealed was a pretty long, dark chocolate brown haired male, dripping sweat from his temple and his breathing heavy due to running. Surely enough, he would have missed the beginning of first period and received a late penalty, but Mr. Kim seemed to be on his good side today.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Kim," the male quickly said through his uneven breaths with a bow and immediately made his way to his seat in second row by the window.

"Moron," Donghyuck tsked in his head.

"Make sure it does not happen again or I'll have to send you to the office next time, okay Minhyung?" Mr. Kim kindly said with a small smile. He hated having to send his students to the office for being late. But with new rules thrown around by the principal, he had to follow them or he could potentially lose his job and lose money.

"Yes, sir." The male now known to be named Minhyung, answered.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes at the scene and shoved his head back down onto his desk. It was going to be a long day, according to his gut feeling.

After lunch, Donghyuck had physical education while Jeno had biology. In the locker room, which seems to be his second home since he is practically in it all the time, he grabbed his freshly clean gym clothes from his locker and began getting undressed.

A few lockers away stood the student that interrupted his nap this morning, Minhyung.

Donghyuck never realized this guy was in a lot of his classes. The pink haired shrugged it off as he continued to now get dressed, slipping into his black shorts and a plain black t shirt. Though, as he was doing this, he felt eyes on him.

He looked around the locker room and observed how everyone was in their own world talking with one another and not even sparing him a glance. So then why did he feel so violated earlier?

He continued to search around the room subtly and locked eyes with the chocolate haired male.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes as his tongue poked the inside of his left cheek, lifting his leg on the bench to tie his sneakers simultaneously.

"Is there something you need to say?" Donghyuck bluntly asked, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and focus on him.

"I-I....I ju-"

"It's time to go to the gym!!!" The PE teacher shouted from outside the locker room, interrupting Minhyung's embarrassing stutter.

Donghyuck just shook his head and applied exactly fifteen swipes of deodorant under each arm. It just had to be fifteen or he would have to wipe it all off and redo it again until he gets it right.

He sprayed some cologne he had in his locker once and closed his locker as he headed out to the gym, leaving the poor stuttering boy alone.

This period of PE was always iffy, especially after having come from lunch and then directly there. You got teens laying on the ground, teens trying to attempt to do the activities but also on the verge of throwing up their food from lunch, and the teens who are just try hards regardless of the time of day.

To put it simply, this gym period was boring but the category that Donghyuck fell in, was of course, the try hards category.

They were shooting hoops this class period and Donghyuck made sure he was positioned in the perfect angle of the hoop, lined his arms up at the precise target, and used just the right amount of force to throw the ball into the hoop successfully.

And he did this...many times, earning the most points in the class.

Since there were not that many students participating in class today, there were tons of hoops vacant so he took the opportunity.

A basketball hit the top of Donghyuck's head and the girls that had been watching him the whole time, circled around him to ask if he was okay. Obviously, Donghyuck was annoyed by them but just said he was fine with a slight smile.

He looked up at the person behind the mini incident, that student crouching down with his hand covering his mouth as he shyed away while running to the locker rooms, but Donghyuck knew he saw a sly smirk.

Donghyuck squeezed himself from the circle of girls and followed the student, but heard something unusually in the bathrooms. He ditched his idea of strangling the student that hit him with the ball, a.k.a. Na Jaemin, and crept into the bathroom.

He peaked behind the wall and saw three students, one of them on the ground as the other two dumped all of that student's textbooks and supplies in his bag on the floor. Donghyuck was truly appalled. They are in high school so why are people still bullying others? It's so childlike.

Donghyuck was not going to just watch so he fully stepped inside the bathroom, one hand on his hip.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Donghyuck sassed, which caused the two bullies to notice his presence.

"U-uh nothing!" One of them claimed as the other's face was beet red.

Oh how Donghyuck loves to have this type of power over people.

"If I catch you bothering him again, you're done for. Got it?" Donghyuck warned as the two nodded their heads and ran out of the bathroom.

"You." Donghyuck pointed at the male on the dirty tiled bathroom floor as the other looked down in shame. "Get up."

The male stood up slowly, meeting Donghyuck's eyes with his big round ones. Donghyuck could have sworn he saw the whole universe in his eyes..

No wait, what is he thinking?

"You know, Minhyung. You have a voice. You should speak up for yourself," Donghyuck reminded the chocolate haired male as he leaned against the bathroom sink with crossed arms.

Minhyung did not want to participate in gym class today. Instead, he thought it would be better to hide in the bathroom to do his work for other classes to keep himself busy. But his plans took a turn as two other males came in to bug embarrassing again.

"I-I know. I just don't k-know what to say," Minhyung answered nervously.

"Tell them to fuck off," Donghyuck ordered as Minhyung just shyly looked away.

"You're not too good at Korean, are you? Do you speak another language?" Donghyuck pointed out without shame as Minhyung nodded his head.

"I speak English. D-do you understand it?" Minhyung asked.

"Of course. My English name is Peter," Donghyuck stated as Minhyung smiled.

Donghyuck looked so effortlessly attractive and Minhyung just could not take his eyes off of him. Donghyuck's shirt was sticking to him due to sweating from shooting hoops and even so, he smelled insanely good. Minhyung just wanted to hug him to smell his neck to savor is scent.

"Really?! My English name is Mark," Minhyung replied as Donghyuck flashed a smirk.

"Mark....I'm going to call you Mark then, until I have a better nickname for you," Donghyuck said with a wink as Mark blushed madly.

Donghyuck does not know what is happening right now. Why is he flirting with some guy he just met?

It's Donghyuck though so it is pretty self explanatory...

"O-okay," Mark spoke softly.


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