chapter 9

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Donghyuck had woken up before his alarm the next morning, probably because of how early he forced himself to sleep last night. He is glad he got some type of sleep last night regardless. He has not been sleeping well for a while so it was a relief to him. He's always tired.

Tired of everything at that.

He slid off his bed and quickly turned on his lights to make the room brighter. He walked back over to his nightstand and unhooked his phone from his charger. He had about a half hour till he absolutely had to get ready so he sat back on his bed and unlocked his phone.

Donghyuck's eyes widened when he realized he had left Mark on read last night and texted the chocolate haired male immediately.

Cute moron
Hiii, it's me Mark.
I just wanted to thank you for helping me today...
Both with those bullies and with my batting stands
I'm free everyday basically, so really it's whatever time that works best for you for some baseball training.
Or maybe you changed your mind..
It's okay if you don't want to help me!!
I understand
I will still try out for the team!
I'm sorry for bothering you
Maybe we can still be friends though...maybe?
Or not, if you don't want to
I won't push you, I swear
That is exactly what I'm doing
I'm being pushy
Omg I'm sorry!!!!! 😭
I'll stop texting you now
Have a good night, Peter ♥️
(Delivered at 8:38pm)

Hey, don't thank me.
I'll let you know when I'm available this week
(Sent at 5:37am)

Donghyuck crossed his legs in a butterfly as he read over his message and Mark's messages. The pink haired male did not find the other boy pushy or annoying. He thought he was cute, but of course he would never admit that out loud.

He will always fake his well being in school so no one can tell what he was thinking or what he was about to do. He liked it that way too. He liked having this kind of power over people. He liked to be in control and he liked things in a certain way, perfect.

Though, the nickname "perfectionist" bothers him, but just like admitting Mark is cute he will not admit this nickname bothers him to anyone.

Sure he may be a troublemaker at times, sure he likes things done in a certain way, sure he does not talk to people much, but that does not mean he likes it when people call him a "perfectionist" when they do not know the damn reason as to why he is the way he is. They know nothing. They are all imbeciles that are living and corrupting his world...but he will get back at everyone.

When the school is in session one day and they notice why Donghyuck is not there, they will question it. They will find out that Donghyuck no longer exists in the world as he gave his life away and he will come back to haunt everyone, making sure they all feel pain. The pain that he is constantly feeling every single damn day of his life to which he is continuously reminded of by the people around him and he fucking hates it.

He will make them pay.

No matter what it takes.

Mark woke up to the sound of his alarm, which he immediately shut off and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. He reached over his nightstand to turn on his lamp and sat up against his headboard as he stared at the wall in front of him with a pout.

"I'm tired~" Mark whined with his cheeks puffed into a pout as his rubbed his eyes once more.

He sighed before pulling the covers off of him and stood up, his watermelon night gown falling down to just below his knees. He switched on his light and shut off his lamp before digging in his dresser for an outfit today.

He picked out a simple outfit, blue long overalls and a green and orange stripped shirt underneath that if he were to raise his arms, it would revel his tummy. After picking out his outfit, Mark went to the bathroom to use it and brush his teeth. He left his hair messily undone, just letting his hair fall over his forehead.

The chocolate haired male walked back to his room and put on his clothes, throwing his night gown on his messy bed that he has not yet made. He put his shirt on, looking in the mirror as he only had that and his boxers on. He raised his hands into a peace sign as he puckered his lips, staring at himself to the point that it made him giggle.

Stopping his silliness for now, he slid into his overalls and hooked one strap on, leaving the other hanging to the point where it allowed someone to see if Mark's shirt would ride up his torso. He left his room to go to the kitchen to eat, seeing his mother making breakfast for the two of them.

"Good morning, Markie!" She greeted him with a sweet smile.

"Good morning," he jogged over to hug her.

Right about now, his father should be making his way through the door. Mark's father works the night shift as a truck driver so Mark does not see him that often during the day, only before he leaves for school.

As if it were a coincidence, Mark's father came through the door and kicked off his work boots. Mark smiled as he waddled over to him and gave him a hug to which the man hugged back, kissing the top of his hair.

"My boy is so cute," he stated as they pulled away from their hug. "Where are you looking all cutely dressed today, hmm?" He playfully asked which made Mark blush.

"Oh? Does my boy have a crush?" His father smirked as he crossed his arms. "So, what's his name?"

"I-I don't have a c-crush!!" Mark defended as his heart pounded, but his face flushing gave away to his father that he was lying but he left it alone with a chuckle.

His father and mother both knew that Mark was gay since he had come out to them at the ending of Jr. High School. They had been nothing but supportive of him. Well, they were not always supportive in certain things before that, but after the incident, they have been. They just want their son to be happy and he was very grateful for them.

"Come eat breakfast, sweetie!" Mark's mother called him over at the dining table as his father gave her a sweet kiss on her temple.

The three of them ate breakfast together until it was finally time for Mark to leave. His mother would be leaving to work in an hour and his father will be going rest for his next shift tonight. They wished Mark a goodbye and a good day at school as the chocolate haired boy quickly ran to his room to get his phone and backpack, shutting off his light and sliding on his black converse before finally leaving the house.

He happened to check his messages on the way to school and saw that Donghyuck had finally texted him back. He squealed in excitement, stopping on the sidewalk as he opened the message.

Peter ♥️
Hey, don't thank me.
I'll let you know when I'm available this week
(Delivered at 5:37am)

He smiled at the message and put his phone back into his pocket as he continued walking to the school.


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