chapter 24

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Donghyuck and Mark were holding hands as they made their way into the locker room to get ready for their first baseball game of the season. There were only a total of eight games during the winter season, starting in the beginning of November and finishing by the end of December before it gets too cold to play outside.

Mark was nervous but excited as it would be his first game this year. Although, this was their last season both Mark and Donghyuck and even Jeno could play because they were seniors. The seniors will not be able to play next season as it goes on in the spring throughout the summer and by then, the three teens would have graduated high school.

So this season was their last one, until they may possibly play in college; that is only if they get scouted out by colleges to play for them. If they do not, Donghyuck will not play baseball anymore. He is over it and he does not think his mind would ever change about it due to his father. His love for the spot had been completely ruined since he was ten years old.

"Don't be nervous, baby," Donghyuck told his boyfriend.

Yes, boyfriend.

Donghyuck and Mark had made it official the day they had confessed their feelings to one another in the gym. That night, Donghyuck brought Mark to the empty grassy field on school grounds with the moonlight illuminating their faces and complimenting their skin.

Donghyuck had them sit on the grass with a blanket he had brought along with them to look up at the night sky and stargaze, giggling as they tried to count as many stars as they could in the sky. Once they broke their laughter, that was when Donghyuck popped the question to Mark officially becoming his boyfriend.

And of course, Mark said yes as he threw himself on the younger male which made Donghyuck fall on his back—since his arms were holding him up until then— while the older hugged him tightly. Donghyuck smiled brightly, a smile he has not shone in such a long time since his baby sister had passed away. Mark was who he needed to feel okay and feel better in helping him heal the broken pieces in his heart.

Little did he know, Donghyuck was also helping Mark heal as well. The two needed each other. They were soulmates with such a strong bond that could never be broken. That, is what they thought.

"I-I'm not nervous," Mark answered, though his body language gave it away with his tapping fingers that were pressed against his thigh.

Once they arrived inside the locker room, Donghyuck faced his body towards Mark and grabbed ahold of Mark's unoccupied hand, squeezing it with comfort. Mark smiled shyly and looked down as his cheeks blushed. Every little thing that Donghyuck did or said to him made his heart beat out of his chest, feeling like it was bound to explode.

He felt Donghyuck let go of one of his hands and placed it on his chin, forcing him gently to look up at him before crashing their lips together which sent electricity through their bodies. It was not a rough kiss or an intense one. It was more of a slow, gentle comforting kiss that assured Mark that everything will be just fine, both with each other and the baseball game. Even such a kiss made their bodies feel like they were floating.

That was the power they held over each other.

They had gotten dressed into their baseball uniforms, Donghyuck leaving his shirt unbuttoned which revealed his tight black tank top against his skin. Mark could see the outline of his chest muscles through the tank top and he tried so hard to calm himself down before anything on his body escalated. Donghyuck smirked at the older's reaction, loving the way he could make Mark react. Though, it was a two way street.

Mark looked absolutely astonishing in such a simple uniform. His padded pants hugged the chocolate haired male's thighs, his booty surely plump without the padding. Donghyuck drooled, literally.

After they stopped thirsting over each other, they grabbed their equipment bags and headed outside to the field to meet up with Jeno, the blonde smirking at their red faces.

"You guys ready?" Jeno asked the two boyfriends.

"I'm always ready," Donghyuck stated cockily which made Jeno roll his eyes and Mark giggle in awe.

"What about you, Mark?" The blonde questioned again.

"I think I'm ready," Mark shyly answered, hoping to do well in the game later.

"You're going to do great. You are ready," Donghyuck said and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"Ew you're such a sap," Jeno dramatically gagged as Donghyuck punched his arm. "Ow! I forgot you were violent!" Jeno pouted as Mark laughed at the two cousins.

"Mr. Perfectionist!!!"

Donghyuck froze, feeling anger rush through his body at the nickname as his coach called him over. Mark noticed his boyfriend's change of mood and quickly grabbed his hand to caress it gently with his thumb. The younger smiled softly at him before he walked away with his bag over his shoulder to the coach that was standing with his hands on his hips.

"You know what I'm about to tell you, right?" The coach asked with a brow raised and now one hand on his hip as Donghyuck stared at him with blank look.

"Hmm," Donghyuck raised his hand to hold his chin in a thinking position. "I actually do not think I know. Does thou care to explain?"

The coach mentally face palmed himself as he took a breath before speaking, "button up your uniform. It's game day and we have to look professional."

Donghyuck tsked and click his tongue.

"What's so professional about a high school baseball team?"

"Just do as I tell you! Stop talking back to me," the coach snapped, which honestly left Donghyuck a little shocked but he enjoyed seeing he could reach this reaction from him as a smirk plastered on his lips. "College schools are scouting you, Donghyuck. Don't mess this up for yourself."

And with that, the coach walked away into the dugout where the other team members were. Something about the coaches demand made Donghyuck think about what his father told him a long time ago.

"Don't fuck up the one thing you're good at," Donghyuck

Mark and Jeno walked over to Donghyuck once the coach left. Seeing as the younger was not going to do anything and was quite literally frozen, Mark took it upon himself to begin buttoning Donghyuck's uniform together as he left the top button undone. The pink haired male just watched the older do so and once he was done, Mark stood on his tippy toes to whisper something into the younger's ear so that only he could hear it.

"Gotta cover up what's mine," Mark whispered before placing a kiss underneath Donghyuck's ear as the younger blushed, yet smirked.

Mark ran away into the dugout as Donghyuck and Jeno slowly followed behind.

"You seem happier lately," Jeno stated the obvious as Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders while glancing at Mark who had a silly smile on his face.

Donghyuck smiled and looked down for a moment before raising his head again, "I guess I do."


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