chapter 20

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The ten year old boy had awoken, the sounds of beeping from a machine he was hooked up to was surrounding him. The hospital bed he was laying was in an angle so that he was not completely flat on his back. He had casts on his body, one on his arm and wrist that was snug in a sling, one around his neck, and one around both his ankles.

He was too sore, discovering that when he tried to switch his laying position. He winced in pain and just remained in his spot. The arm that was not in a cast was injected with needles as his chest was littered with telemetry sticky pads that monitored his heart. He had a killer migraine and squinted his eyes because of the lighting. He may not have felt much pain being stuck under the building because of the adrenaline, but now that he was out, he felt it all over his body.

A doctor showed up in front of Donghyuck with a smile, leading his parents in as well. Their faces however, did not seem happy to see Donghyuck awake...more like upset and regretful which confused the boy because he was relieved to see them.

"Hi, Donghyuck. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked him.

Donghyuck tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth which caused the doctor to flash another smile.

"Let me get you some warm water and lemon to sooth your throat," the doctor stated as he left the room and instructed some nurses to check on him.

They checked his heartbeat, his blood pressure, and looked over his latest brain scans that were filed on the computer next to his hospital bed. The doctor came back with a painkiller and the water, helping Donghyuck drink it.

"How is your head feeling?" The doctor asked the ten year old boy.

"H-hurts," Donghyuck answered with his voice raspy as the doctor nodded his head and wrote something down on his clip board.

"We're going to do another MRI scan," the doctor exclaimed as Donghyuck's parents nodded their heads.

Donghyuck was confused about their behavior, but shook it away as he was being rolled into the MRI scanning room to check his brain. The nurses carefully plugged ear plugs into his ears as the machine was loud when you went under. They carefully slid him underneath the machine as Donghyuck's eyes remained open in fear. It was dark in there and the only light he could see was by his feet. He started to feel claustrophobic inside the machine as it went on scanning his brain, feeling like the walls of the machine was closing in on him.

He took deep breaths, but it felt like he had been under for hours and he could not contain himself anymore. He began to kick his legs despite them being in pain and cried. The machine stopped and the nurses immediately pulled him out, finding the ten year old boy crying.

"It's okay, Donghyuck. It's okay. It's over now," one of the nurses comforted him with a sweet voice, wiping his tears away with a tissue.

He was rolled back into his hospital room where his parents sat patiently in the seats for him to return. The nurses left them to be with each other for a while—which was a very awkward silence—before the doctor came back with the results in his hand.

"You had been in a coma for a little bit over two weeks and it seems as though your brain is slowly but surely healing from your concussion. You're a survivor Donghyuck. Not many people could have survived what you did," the doctor explained and turned to face his parents. "He will need to take it easy and make sure he does not hit his head. In the future when he has a migraine, it is especially important that his head does not come into contact with something as it could possibly lead to brain damage. He is very lucky now as the swelling in his brain is going down naturally. We would have been worrying if it was not taking its natural course, however that is not that case, fortunately so!"

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