chapter 14

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Mark was sitting in his room, slightly panicking since Donghyuck had not answered him in two days. He was really worried about the other and he could not even focus on his project that was due on Monday.

He gripped his hair in frustration as he bounced his leg in anticipation, causing him pain in his calf from being too aggressive. He decided to forget the project for now and opened his text messaging app on his phone, almost throwing the small device when he saw that Donghyuck was currently reading his messages. He then saw the small three dots, indicating he was typing as Mark waited patiently for his response.

Peter ♥️
Hi, Mark...
Please don't worry about me. I'm doing okay right now
I'm sorry for not responding sooner...
Please forgive me.
I did not have access to my phone for a couple days as I was at the hospital.
Don't worry too much though because like I said, I'm doing okay right now
Now focus on your work and get it done! (I know you're distracted so do it now that I have eased your mind a bit)
I'll see you soon..
(Delievered at 5:21pm)

Mark almost cried at Donghyuck's answer to his messages. He felt a sense of relief knowing the pink haired male was alright. Now that his mind was eased, he began to work on his project and finished by the end of the night. He rubbed his eyes in tiredness, his eyes drowsy and droopy from working hard until a bit past midnight.

He had showered when he arrived home from school earlier so luckily he was already in his pajamas, ready for bed. He lied down on his mattress and stared up at the ceiling. He could not help but let his mind wander to Donghyuck as he pouted his lips. He really did miss the other male and hoped to see him soon.

The next morning, Donghyuck had woken with his phone vibrating due to his alarm on his chest. He shut it off and placed it on his nightstand as he sat up, staring at the carpet of his room. The sunlight shone through his dark curtains, emitting some light into his room along with his nightlight. He finally stood up and turned on his room light before walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

He quickly made his way back to his bedroom and dried his face. His stomach grumbled as he did not eat dinner last night and instead, focused on getting all of his work made up. All he had to do for school was his quiz and he would be all caught up after. He texted Jeno and asked if he could come over. Of course, the blonde said yes.

It was twelve in the afternoon and Donghyuck dressed in black sweatpants and a black long sleeved shirt, throwing a black bucket hat on his head before grabbing his phone and going downstairs to head towards the front door. He slipped on his converse and grabbed his house keys before stepping outside. He was in a dark mood today as per the outfit.

He knocked on Jeno's door to which it opened a few seconds later with Jeno in a white t shirt and plaid pajama pants. He stepped inside and kicked off his sneakers before following Jeno to his room.

"Wait," Donghyuck stopped walking. "Can I eat?"

Jeno gave the other a perplexed look but immediately nodded his head, "You don't have to ask Hyuck."

Donghyuck uttered a quiet thank you and went into the kitchen to make something to eat after washing his hands. He ended up having left overs from their dinner last night to which he did not mind. He was starving so he heated it up and swallowed his food down quickly so he would not leave Jeno waiting. Donghyuck may be an ass at times, but he has some type of decency other times.

They were seated on Jeno's bed, Donghyuck's back against the way while Jeno sat with his feet on his bed and his arms resting on his knees as his face was in his palms.

"How are you feeling? I heard you were pretty sick for a couple days," Jeno broke the silence, making Donghyuck look at him with a scoff.

"I'm fine. It was just a migraine," Donghyuck stated to which Jeno frowned.

"Yeah, but for you to be bedridden at home for a couple days, it had to be serious. I got worried. Hell! Even Mark and Jaemin were worried," Jeno added and Donghyuck's heart melted at Mark worrying for him but he shook his head slowly. "What is it Hyuck?" Jeno questioned, noticing the other's expression.

"Must you guys always believe what my parents tell you?" Donghyuck grimaced as Jeno tilted his head like a lost puppy in confusion.

"I was in the hospital for two days, having panic attacks left and right!" Donghyuck began to tear up. "I was not at home because that fucktard of a father I have decided to beat me over the head with his bare hands while I had an excruciating migraine!" Donghyuck raised his voice a bit as he really wanted to get it out of his chest.

Jeno's mouth fell agape. He knew Donghyuck's father was not the kindest man on the planet and that the two never got alone, but he never imagine Donghyuck's father would do such a thing.

"My brain had a small bleed-age because of it and oh by the way, I could've died if I had not been brought there," Donghyuck stated, wiping his eyes with the hem of his shirt. "I-I felt like I was living in a nightmare. Everytime I woke up, Jeno....I saw her." His voice cracked.

And Jeno knew all too way who the "her" Donghyuck was referring to, his little sister Sunny. Jeno frowned at the thought of his youngest cousin.

"It hurt, Jeno. It hurt so much," Donghyuck sniffled as he looked up at the ceiling to stop his tears.

The other scooted closer to Donghyuck, slowly play his hand on the pink haired male's thigh since he knew the younger hated physical affection. When Donghyuck slowly dropped his head down is when Jeno took a glance at the younger's face who had dried tears on his cheeks. The blonde was proud of Donghyuck opening up more to him.

"Hyuckie," Jeno called out to which the other hummed. "Do you want to see Mark right now? I can ask him to come over."

Donghyuck nodded his head at the question. He really did not understand why he felt so comfortable around Mark. It really was as if he has known the older for the longest time. Jeno went to make a quick phone call as Donghyuck's weary eyes closed, falling asleep from being exhausted.

It is concerning with how many times Donghyuck can fall asleep, but it's just his depression right?

Mark had been watching a movie with his mother since she did not work on the weekends. However, their movie session had been interrupted by the sound of Mark's phone going off. He apologized to his mother before taking his call when he saw Jeno's caller ID pop up.

Jeno had given Mark his number the other day when Donghyuck had not shown up to school on the first day. He gave it to him as well as his boyfriend Jaemin's, saying it's for Donghyuck's sake so he can keep track of him, no funny business. He was also part of the important people to Donghyuck as well and their were not many of them.


"Mark, are you busy?" Jeno asked.

"Well i was watching a movie with my mom, but what's up?" Mark answered.

"Well Donghyuck is here crying a bit and he was asking for you," Jeno responded, twisting his words a little bit to make Mark come faster.

Mark looked at his mom who gave a silent nod as her son gave an apologetic look. When he got the okay, he responded.

"I'll be there shortly. Send me your address."


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