chapter 31

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Jeno told his parents the rest of what happened yesterday and how the coach was not going to press charges or else he will lose his job. However, his mom did not think that was enough and filed a lengthy email to their baseball team's coach after lunch saying that he better give Donghyuck a page filed apology in front of the entire team because where ever you do it, is where you're going to get it. She would have made him do it at a game, but the season had finished.

"I don't need his apology," Donghyuck flatly stated which was a lie by the way and everyone knew it.

He looked at Mark who was nodded his head which made him drop his shoulders and look down while rubbing the back of his head.

"Maybe I do," Donghyuck mumbled.

Until it was dinner time, Donghyuck had told them everything that has been going on since the incident happened and how he lost his passion for baseball. And to say Jeno, his mother, and his father were shocked, was an overstatement.

"Let's go, Donghyuck," Jeno's mother stood up, putting on her shoes and a jacket which made Donghyuck confused as he stared at everyone.

"We're going across the street to pack your bags," Donghyuck's aunt spoke again which made the pink haired male's jaw drop.

He did not think this would happen. Never in a day in his life would he have thought that his aunt would do so much to get Donghyuck out of that hell household. Who was he kidding though? His aunt absolutely adored him and wants to protect him with her life. The look on her face seemed angry yet determined. An angry aunt of his is scary as he rarely ever saw this side of her.

"C'mon Hyuckie. You won't be staying there anymore. I will not tolerate you getting hurt like this. You'll be living here from now on. It's for your safety," his aunt said as Donghyuck nodded and stood up to put his shoes and jacket on.

He wanted to get out of his house forever and by the looks of it, his aunt was going to make that happened. It was like a dream come true.

Donghyuck was nervous as him and his aunt walked across the street while the other's waited on Jeno's porch in case something escalated. Jeno's mother knocked on Donghyuck's front door with the pink haired male standing beside her nervously. She crossed her arms as she waited for the door to open. She knew her brother and sister in law were both home this Saturday evening.

Donghyuck's mother had opened the door, her pupils weary with dark bagged eyes. She was surprised to see her sister in law at this time of day but nonetheless opened the door for Donghyuck and her to come inside.

"What are you doing here?" Donghyuck's father came from upstairs to question his sister as Donghyuck mother couldn't even speak.

"I'll prepare something to eat," Donghyuck mother said but did not move when Donghyuck's aunt told her she would not be staying long.

"I'm here with Donghyuck to pack his bags," she answered fiercely as the pink haired male nervously bit his bottom lip.

"Go on up, Hyuckie. I'll be here waiting for you," Donghyuck's aunt encouraged the frightened male who reluctantly nodded his head.

Being stopped in his movements, Donghyuck's father grabbed a hold of his son's arm. He squeezed it tightly which would form a bruise as he looked his son in the eye.

"You snitched. Didn't you? You're too much of a bitch to take a hit so you snitched on me," He coldly spat in the boy's face who struggled to remove himself from his father's grasp.

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