chapter 23

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The two boys had woken up in each other's arms early the next morning. It was Thursday, meaning they still had school today and it was not the weekend quite yet. Mark was able to sleep the whole night through for the first time since he was around ten years old because Donghyuck was next to him and with him. The older did not want the younger to ever leave his side.

"Come on, Minhyungie. It's time to get up," Donghyuck shook the sleepy boy that was laying in top of him.

Donghyuck's voice was raspy and low from having just woken up a few minutes ago. It sent shivers down Mark's spine as he felt the vibration of Donghyuck's voice on his chest, nuzzling his face deeper into the pink haired's neck.

"Noo~ Hyuckie is so warm," Mark whined in cuteness as Donghyuck chuckled and massaged the top of the older's head.

Donghyuck smirked as an idea popped into his head immediately after Mark finished speaking. He stop massaging his head and slid his hand down to rest it on Mark's lower back, feeling the older tense but quickly relax by the action.

"Baby.... If you don't get up-"

And that was all Donghyuck needed to do to witness Mark rolling off of him and quickly standing up to turn on the lights, his cheeks visibly red from blushing so hard as he cleared his throat.

"I-I'm going to use the bathroom," he said as he ran out of the room, leaving Donghyuck laughing and shaking his head on the older's bed.

After a few moments, Mark returned and met Donghyuck use the bathroom that had a new toothbrush in plastic laying on the sink for him. He brushed his teeth and used the bathroom quickly, washing his hands after before making his way back to Mark's room seeing the older getting dressed, his lower body not covered with anything but his cute watermelon boxers.

Donghyuck immediately turned around because he did not want the older to feel creeped out by him seeing him get dressed. Mark giggled when he realized Donghyuck's back was turned towards him and told the younger to turn around now that he was done.

The pink haired male turned around as he was told and observed what Mark was wearing. He was wearing a black long sleeved collared crop top that only showed his stomach if he raised his arms and black baggy ripped jeans. Donghyuck's heart skipped a beat seeing the older dressed like this. Every outfit that Mark ever wore always made Donghyuck's jaw drop in awe because he is such a beauty.

Mark felt Donghyuck's intense stare and shyly looked away with a blush creeping in his cheeks.

"I-is it bad?" Mark questioned, referring to his outfit.

"NO! I mean, not at all! You look so astonishing," Donghyuck answered honestly with star struck eyes, making Mark blush even harder.

"Thank you," Mark fiddled with his fingers behind him as Donghyuck walked over to him, placing a quick kiss on the older's cheek.

Donghyuck did not really need to change his outfit since he was wearing all Adidas. The two boys went to the kitchen to make something to eat quickly before grabbing their bags and putting on their shoes to leave. Donghyuck texted Jeno when he woke up that he will not be walking with him this morning because he was not home.

Jeno did not have a problem with it anyway because he stayed over Jaemin's house. It seemed like the two cousins shared one brain cell, well one more than the other.

Donghyuck turned on his flashlight on his phone and Mark did the same as well before they began walking, the older holding onto the younger's leather jacket which made Donghyuck giggle as it reminded him of when Sunny used to do the same thing. He led the way to school and walked into their first class of the day, still having ten minutes before class started. Mark quickly let go of Donghyuck to sanitize the younger's desk before he sat down which made Donghyuck blush.

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