chapter 30

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The two were bundled up as they were at the park. It was the end of December and New Years Day was approaching. Donghyuck held both of Mark's hands as they twirled in circles like little kids who played ring around the rosy. Their fits of giggles resonated through the air until they finally dropped to the ground, feeling dizzy from all the spinning.

Mark landed on top of Donghyuck, nuzzling his face into the younger's neck. They had been here for a while and were about to leave to go to Jeno's house because today was the day that Donghyuck will explain everything to Jeno's family. Though, he was nervous, which is why Mark will be coming along with him. Without Mark by his side, Donghyuck would not have even thought about speaking about his past to his aunt, uncle, and cousin.

They were at the park to have some fun and to keep Donghyuck's mind from worrying about the later conversation he will be having.

Mark rolled off of Donghyuck to lay on his back as the younger stood up and reached out his hands for the older to grab. Mark flashed a goofy smile which made Donghyuck giggle as his hands met with the older's as he lifted him up from the ground. The older can sense Donghyuck's apprehension as he interlocked their fingers together and stood on his top toes to give the younger's cheek a kiss.

"It will be okay, Peter," Mark assured the younger who smiled at him with a nod.

Donghyuck texted Jeno that they were on their way to which the blonde responded with an okay and that he would tell his parents. Mark and Donghyuck walked hand in hand to Jeno's house, the older trying to keep the younger's mind off of things.

Arriving at Jeno's house, Donghyuck felt his chest become tight as he placed a hand on it and tried to breathe in deeply. Mark engulfed Donghyuck in a hug as he wrapped his arms around his torso, placing a kiss on the younger's clothes chest.

"You got this. Breathe with me, okay?" Mark commanded gently as he took in a deep breath and released it while Donghyuck followed his technique for a couple minutes. "Do you think you're ready to go inside now?"

"Yeah," Donghyuck lied, but he had to push himself to get this conversation done so he can move on with his life and hopefully live a better future.

Donghyuck knocked on Jeno's door when Mark released from the hug and not even a few seconds later, the door opened because of his aunt who smiled widely.

"Hyuckie!" She cheered, though she did not want to make her nephew uncomfortable so she did not hug him. "I missed you! Is this Mark?"

"I missed you too and yes this is Mark. He's my boyfriend," Donghyuck exclaimed with a small smile as Mark blushed at his response.

"Hi, dear. You're absolutely adorable! Both of you, come inside already!" His aunt advised them as they stepped inside the house, removing their sneakers and jackets.

Jeno came down the stairs to greet his cousin and Mark as Donghyuck's uncle was in the kitchen preparing lunch for all of them. He came out quickly to say hello to them.

"Hey, bud! And hello, Mark. It's nice to meet you," Donghyuck's uncle smiled as Mark said hello shyly, which made the younger coo at his boyfriend and rub his hand with his thumb since they were still holding hands.

"Come! Let's take a seat in the living room!" Jeno's mother guided them as Jeno's father went to plate the dishes on the table so the food can cool off before following them.

Donghyuck was in the middle of Jeno and Mark on the couch as his aunt and uncle sat on the couch across from them. The pink haired male felt all eyes on him as everyone was waiting for him to start speaking which made Donghyuck nervous, his body feeling tingly. Mark noticed this and placed a hand on Donghyuck's thigh and caressed it softly.

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