chapter 13

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Donghyuck was discharged from the hospital as soon as he took his last dosage of medication. He changed out of the hospital gown and back into his pajamas that he had been brought here in and a pair of slippers. Still, no one was here for him and it made him think about how much his parents are fucked up for it.

He walked over to the receptionist to check himself out. He still did not know what day it was on and he was beginning to freak out. It was like he was living in a bad dream that he just could not wake up from and when he did, the same part would replay over and over until it haunted his brain.

"Hello, I'm Lee Donghyuck and I'm being discharged."

The receptionist looked up from her laptop and stopped typing, giving Donghyuck a small smile before handing a pen and forms for the male to fill out. Donghyuck took the clipboard of forms and began signing to be discharged. Once he finished, he handed back the clipboard to the receptionist.

"You're good to go!" She said.

"I have a question," Donghyuck started to which the receptionist nodded. "What is today's date?"

She took a quick glance at her phone and told him what day it was. It had been two days that he had been absent from school and basically nonexistent to the world. For some reason it felt like it had been weeks so he was shocked to hear that it was only a couple days.

"Thank you." Donghyuck bowed and read the clock on the wall before leaving the hospital.

It was a Friday afternoon and by now, the high school students would be leaving school to go home. Normally, Donghyuck would also have baseball practice today, but he is too tired and his arms are too sore for it. It is okay to skip it, it is just one day. However, he wished he could skip everyday.

He knew he will have a load of school assignments he would have to make up. Even a quiz in history that he was supposed to take today. Who gives a fuck at this point? Donghyuck is so over it. He is basically just your average troublemaker that is academically gifted with a drained and depressed mental state. Quite the mix he has.

He practically dragged himself to his house. Thankfully, his migraine was no longer present. Donghyuck would often receive migraines at least once every couple weeks due to the incident he was involved in when he was younger. He had suffered a concussion back when it happened and ever since then, he has always had migraines. It was a beautiful way to remind him of his traumatic past if you ask him.

He finally reached his house. He went to open the door but it was locked. He mentally cursed in his brain as he knew at least one of his parents were home as there was one car in the driveway. Bringing up his sore arm, he knocked on the door with his knuckles and winced when he realized the purplish marks on his hands from the IV's.

Donghyuck waited for a response until no one other than his father opened the door.

"Just fucking great."

Donghyuck stepped inside once his father moved out of the way in disgust. He kicked off his slippers and was about to go up the stairs with a slouched walk when his father spoke up.

"You better make up all your work that you missed from school." He ordered and Donghyuck only hummed in response as his father spoke again. "So weak that you had to be taken to the hospital. You're lucky your mom insisted on me taking you."

Donghyuck made a fist with his sore hands and continued to walk up the stairs to go into his room as he simply did not have the strength to deal with this. It seemed like he never did though so maybe his father is right... he is weak.

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