chapter 4

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Donghyuck had woken up to the sound of his alarm going off through his phone. He reached over to his nightstand, pulling his phone off the charger and pressing the snooze button.

It was no later than six in the morning and Donghyuck rubbed his eyes in tiredness. He hated waking up so early for school. Why did school have to start so early anyway?

He sat up and slid off his bed, making sure to fix his covers and pillows neatly afterwards. He flipped his light switch on because it was really dark outside for six in the morning. He hated the dark, which was why he had a small nightlight beside his door so that he can at least see some source of lighting. He squinted at the brightness before his eyes could fully adjust to the light.

The pink haired teen walked into his bathroom to use it and brush his teeth. The bristles of the brush were bent from how hard the teen brushes his teeth. He did not care though. As long as he can get rid of whatever plaque or dirtiness is in his teeth, he's okay. Besides, he can always get a new toothbrush.

He rinsed his mouth and began to wash his face, lathering his hands with face wash before applying it. He hated being dirty, anywhere—whether it'd be his body, his teeth, his room, anything—he would begin a cleaning rampage.

Grabbing his hand towel, he dried his hands and walked back over to his room to dry his face with his other towel. To him, you do not dry your face with the same towel you dry your hands with in the bathroom.

Some people only use water and then dry their hands, leaving all the dirty particles in their fingernails and palms. That grosses Donghyuck out to the core. To make sure he prevents that from happening, he uses his other towel that is in his room where no one can touch or use it.

He went rummaging through his closet to find a shirt to wear. He chose a black and white checker patterned shirt and, of course, his black leather jacket. He went over to his dresser to pick out some black ripped jeans.

He removed his pajamas and folded them nicely, placing them on the corner of his mattress. He applied a powdery deodorant and slipped on his clothes for school. He sprayed a couple spreiz of cologne that was scented with a chocolate powdery smell.

Donghyuck grabbed his bag from his closet and placed in the books he will be needing for the day. He swung his bag over his shoulder and stuck his phone in his back pocket before shutting the lights off.

He walked out of his room and closed his door behind him as he then made he way downstairs to the kitchen, following the trail of nightlights his mother plugged in for him since he was a small child. He turned on the kitchen light and glanced at the time on the microwave, reading six twenty. He still had another ten minutes before he had to leave.

He poured himself cereal in a bowl and milk after it. He dipped his spoon in the bowl and sat at the dinning table, eating his cheerios quietly while staring out the window. Daylight was slowly appearing and it gave Donghyuck some relief knowing that he did not have to walk in the complete darkness today.

Once he finished eating his cereal, he poured the milk down the drain. He hated drinking milk by itself. He only liked it when the milk makes his cereal soft and soggy, otherwise he would throw it out once he finished eating.

He cleaned his bowl and spoon before setting them on the drying rack. He made his way toward the front door as quietly as he could so that he did not wake up his parents. He slid his feet into his sneakers and grabbed his house keys that were hanging on the key hook. His parents will not be home till late tonight so he will need his keys later.

Stepping outside the house, he still had three more minutes until he had to leave for school. He walked across the street and waited for Jeno, sitting on the older's bench on his porch. It was not too dark out anymore, which Donghyuck was thankful about since he could see.

A minute later, Jeno walked out of his house and looked to his right, which was where Donghyuck would always sit and wait for him at. He nodded his head towards the sidewalk, a sign that meant it was time for the both of them to start walking.

Donghyuck stood up, grasping his bag tightly before walking with Jeno down the street. They never talked so early in the morning so walking to school was very peaceful and quiet.

School started at seven on the dot and the two teens were about fifteen minutes away from the high school by foot. Leaving at six thirty always gave them plenty of time to get there and chill for a few minutes before classes started.

Exactly fifteen minutes later, Donghyuck and Jeno arrived at the school as other students were walking in as well and placing their things inside their lockers. The two cousins did not need anything or need to put anything in their lockers so they headed straight to homeroom which was also their first period of the day.

Donghyuck ignored the girls and boys swarming him and just sat down at his desk beside Jeno after he finished sanitizing his chair and table. He was not a morning person at all. He then felt Jeno tap his shoulder and looked over his way.

"We have to promote the baseball team," Jeno reminded the younger and Donghyuck only sighed.

"It's too early in the morning for this," Donghyuck complained.

"You don't have to say anything, just write it on the board," Jeno told him and Donghyuck raised a brow at him.

"You write it on the board. The fuck you volunteering me for?" Donghyuck sassed and gave him an annoyed look.

Jeno just sighed and shook his head. Donghyuck had always been hardheaded and stubborn, let alone sassy and a troublemaker. Beautiful mix if you ask Jeno.

"What am I going to do with you?" Jeno said to himself as he pinched his nose, Donghyuck sticking his middle finger at the older with a forced grin before slamming his head on top of his arms on the desk for a ten minute nap before class starts.


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