chapter 29

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Donghyuck had cleaned Mark the night before, dressing the male back up in his black shirt and sliding back on his underwear. He threw the used condom, napkins, and wet wipes into the trash can before taking a quick shower and dressing himself back into his previous clothes.

When he came out the bathroom, he glanced at Mark with love in his eyes and a bright smile on his face. He crept through the room, leaving the bathroom light on because it was dark and he knew both of them hated the dark. When he reached over to Mark, he carefully lifted the chocolate haired male in his arms and brought him to the other clean bed.

He untucked the covers in the mattress and covered Mark inside of them before slipping inside the covers himself. Subconsciously, Mark's arms immediately found Donghyuck's torso and wrapped his arms around it which made the younger giggle. He held the older in his arms while playing with Mark's chocolate hair, observing the tear stained cheeks he had.

He placed a gentle kiss on top of Mark's hair before snuggling closer to the older since he knew his boyfriend loved cuddles and always slept better with them. He eventually drifted off into dreamland, dreaming about his and Mark's bright future ahead of them.

Donghyuck had woken up to feeling Mark moving around. He squinted one eye open to peek at the older who was awake and wincing in pain.

"What's the matter, baby?" Donghyuck asked, his voice raspy from just waking up.

Though, Mark stayed silent and instead buried his face into Donghyuck's chest with a tired groan as the pink haired male giggled.

"Baby?" Donghyuck called out again, embracing his boyfriend tightly and playing with his hair.

Mark hummed and moved himself away from Donghyuck a little bit to lift Donghyuck's shirt up, sliding his head and upper body underneath the younger's clothing and enjoying the pink haired male's warmth. Donghyuck chuckled at his cute boyfriend that just wanted to be closer to him, enjoying his body heat.

"Bum bum hurts," Mark mumbled on Donghyuck's smooth bare chest, placing a small kiss on it.

Donghyuck smiled softly and rubbed Mark's lower back where his tailbone was, massaging it gently.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, my love," Donghyuck frowned but felt Mark shake his head in his shirt.

"Hyuckie didn't hurt me. I'm just a little sore because I don't work out I guess," Mark tried to joke which made Donghyuck playfully scoff.

"I can fix that for you," Donghyuck smirked, but screeched out an apology when he felt Mark pinch his nipple.

Donghyuck had gotten up—after fighting with his clinging boyfriend that did not want to let him go because he wanted more cuddles—to get breakfast and some painkillers for Mark. It was only nine in the morning so they still had three hours before check out. Donghyuck currently had the painkillers he bought in his pocket as he went into the dinning era to grab some breakfast.

He served their plates with waffles and fruit before going back to their room. He swiped the key card to open the door while struggling to balance the plates in his other hand. Once he got inside, he turned on the light and placed the plates on the table, looking at Mark through the reflection of the television who was cuddling with a pillow.

"I have food, baby," Donghyuck sweetly said as Mark sat up, wincing a little bit.

Donghyuck took out the painkillers from his pocket and handed it to the older with a bottle of water. Mark took it gratefully and stood up to walk to where the food was. The chocolate haired male waddled in Donghyuck's oversized shirt to eat his waffles as the younger cooed.

After they finished eating, Mark raised his arms as a signal for the younger to lift him up. Who was Donghyuck to decline his sweet clingy boyfriend? The pink haired male lifted Mark up with his arms around the older's waist as his boyfriend circled his legs and arms around the younger's torso and neck.

"How are you feeling today?" Mark asked quietly as Donghyuck smiled with a nod.

"I'm feeling good. How about you?" Donghyuck answers as Mark released the brightest smile.

"Yeah, me too! Besides me being a tiny bit sore," Mark giggled which made Donghyuck giggle along with the older's contagious laughter.

Mark truly did had such a laughter that was contagious and that Donghyuck would die for. Donghyuck kissed his boyfriends lips sweetly before kissing his check and nose. Mark giggled through it all and hugged his boyfriend tightly. The younger sat them down on the bed for a little while as the older just laid his head on Donghyuck's shoulder like a little baby toddler as the pink haired male rubbed his back with care.

A couple hours went by and it was ten minutes before the had to check out of the hotel at noon. Donghyuck had shoved their dirty clothes in the bag Jeno brought them as Mark cleaned the hotel room to the best of his ability, but there was nothing he could do about the other bed... The two left the room finally, making sure they had the key card as they walked to the front desk.

Mark handed the key card to the lady as he spoke, "How much will it be?"

The lady only smiled at Mark and answered, "Your room was already paid for, dear."

Mark stared at her in confusion before looking up at Donghyuck who looked anywhere else but the older's eyes. The older gave the younger a small light slap on the arm for paying for the room without telling him.

"I could've paid for it!" Mark whined as Donghyuck shook his head.

"All of this happened this weekend because of me, so it's best I paid," Donghyuck told him as Mark frowned.

"But I told you it was not your fault," Mark mumbled as Donghyuck kissed his cheek.

"I know, I'm sorry~" Donghyuck sang as he hooped his arms loosely around Mark's waist.

"It's okay," Mark sighed with a smile he could not hide. "Next time, talk to me first so we can compromise something okay?"

"Oh, so there's gonna be a next time?" Donghyuck wiggled his eyebrows as Mark roughly removed the younger's arms and pushed him playfully.

"I hate you sometimes," Mark laughed as Donghyuck clung back onto his boyfriend.

"No, you don't. My baby loves me just like how I love my baby," Donghyuck stated as Mark blushed in the younger's hold.

"Yeah..I do love you," Mark told him with a shy giggle.

After this little act in front of the front desk lady who just ignored their cuteness, the two males left the hotel as they made plans to go out to the park today and then maybe go to Jeno's house later because they had some things to discuss.


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