chapter 18

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Donghyuck's eyes lazily fluttered open only to be met with complete and utter darkness. He could not see anything besides a small light that crept in between the cracks of the fallen building pieces. His head was pounding from all the collisions against his head. Trying to open his eyes wider so that he could see more, did not help as it was no use.

Feeling a panic surge through his body, he began to shake as he realized how much his body was in pain from being sore and still could not see anything. He had fallen through the building, luckily not breaking any bones but surely fracturing them, especially his skull. With the very little strength he had left in his body, the ten year old tried crawling to the source of light on the other side.

He slowly made his way through the broken pieces of the building, carefully maneuvering his body from impaling himself, though, scratches and cuts were being sliced against his knees. He touched something smooth yet rough as he lifted it up to the source of light. He threw it as far as he could with a scream when he realized what it was.

It was a detached bloody arm...

Donghyuck was immediately grossed out, feeling like throwing up as he wanted to get out of there already. He was living in a nightmare that he just can not seem to wake up from.

Not sure if he was hearing things or not, but he heard rumbling above him. Donghyuck knew that could not mean anything good as he crawled as fast as he could, his facial expressions wincing as he moved himself away before more pieces of the building fell right to the spot that he was crawling to as it blocked his only source of natural lighting.

Donghyuck struggled to find another source of lighting as there was a dim red light being lit up but not bright enough to help him see. The panic that rose on Donghyuck's chest did not seem to leave as it deepened stronger. His breath became uneven as hot tears rolled down his check, burning the cuts on his face with his salty tears.

"Help!" He cried.

"Get me out of here!"

"Sunny?!" Donghyuck cried out for his little sister whom he had not seen since the incident and he was worried if she was okay or not despite him having a panic attack.

He began to feel lightheaded as his vision turned black yet again from being overwhelmed with panic.

An eleven year old Mark groaned in pain as he was looking around his surroundings. Because of his movements, he suddenly felt excruciating pain coming from his left calf. He held it, but that seemed to make it worse as he noticed it was impaled with a metal bar.

He bit his lips to hold on his tears but he just could not help but let them out. He cried in pain as his body was in so much pain all over. It was his leg that was in the most pain as he was slowly losing his blood.

Mark perked up his ears when he heard the sound of someone else's voice in this dark barricade. He heard someone singing softly with sniffles and unintentional sobs between the lyrics. Mark smiled softly despite his pain and threw his body over to lay on his stomach, attempting to crawl towards the beautifully melodic voice.

However, the metal bar in his calf  was pulled down his skin which teared open a deeper cut, blood gushing through his dirty blue jeans. He yelped as the voice suddenly stopped singing.

"Hello?" The voice called.

"P-please don't stop s-singing," Mark cried in pain.

"What's your name?" The voice asked, hoping to get an answer.

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