chapter 28

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⚠️ Warning!!! Sensual sex scene approaching so if you feel uncomfortable, you may skip this chapter when you see this emoji ⚠️!!

"When we're more financially stable in the future, let's move into an apartment together," Donghyuck suggested as Mark smiled and nodded his head.

"That sounds like a plan. But in the meantime, can you stay at either Jeno's or my place so that you won't get hurt at your home?" Mark asked.

Donghyuck had just finished telling Mark everything that has been happening to him since the incident. Starting with his sister passing, to his father insulting and beating him, to his mother neglecting him and drinking her sorrows away, to the students in school fetishizing over him, to the coach being an ass, and to his own mental state. Mark and Donghyuck had shed many tears throughout this deep conversation and Mark was so proud of his boyfriend for opening up to him as Donghyuck never shared this information of his life with anyone.

Mark was not just anyone though. He is his boyfriend, his lover, his soulmate.

"I can try," Donghyuck answered with honesty as Mark sighed in content.

"Before the incident, my parents were pretty homophobic," Mark started as Donghyuck listened closely just like how the older did with him.

"They would always criticize anyone apart of the lgbtq+ for loving who they love and being who they want to be. When I was younger, all I wanted to do was play dress up in dresses and makeup and wear other 'feminine' clothes. When my parents began to notice this as I continued growing older, they stripped everything away from me: my jewelry, dresses, skirts, my mom's makeup pallets, everything. And this was because they were afraid that I would go down on the same path as 'them,' the lgbtq+. They did not want a son part of such a thing that they deemed as disgraceful, so they kind of forced me away from it. I did not want to become a problem for them so I just became quieter and never really did the things I wanted to do so that I can please my parents."

Donghyuck sat there listening in shock because Mark's parents seemed very accepting when he met them before—he had met Mark's father at their second baseball game. But maybe there was a reason and he was sure it must have been quite a change to accept immediately. Even though it really should not be hard. Your kid is still your kid no matter what.

"When I was in the hospital due to the incident, they instantly changed mindsets and became more accepting towards me. They had broken down crying in front of me and I guess they were afraid I could have died that day so they don't want to take anything for granted. They decided that day to let me love who I want to love, not who they expect me to love. I am their only son so they want to hold me close as tight as possible while at the same time accepting my morals as a person," Mark explained with a smile.

"I guess sometimes it takes a tragedy for people to realize what they have when they have it and to not take anything for granted," Donghyuck said as Mark nodded his head.

"You're strong, Minhyung," Donghyuck said as Mark blushed at the use of his Korean name.

"You deserves the entire world. And I want to give it to you....only if you'd let me," Donghyuck sweetly said while leaning in closer, his lips barely brushing over Mark's.

"You know I'd let you, always. I trust you so much," Mark answered with tears brimming in his eyes before their lips touched.

Their lips molded together softly as if it was the perfect puzzle piece to their heart beating bodies. The temperature in the room was getting slightly hotter as Donghyuck sat them both up and moved Mark onto his lap, gently sliding his hands up and down the older's back.

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