chapter 27

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Donghyuck signed his own papers again to be discharged as his parents never showed up when they got the message that he was at the hospital. But it was okay because Mark was by his side. He never had someone wait for him or stay with him in a hospital before. Donghyuck was incredibly thankful to have Mark in his life, someone who actually cares for him.

Mark held Donghyuck's hand and guided him out of the hospital. Donghyuck did not know where they were going, but it was not the way to go home so he was glad about that.

"I know you probably don't want to go home to your parents right now. I would bring you to my house but my parents are there so I booked a room in a hotel if you're comfortable with that," Mark stated as Donghyuck's jaw dropped.

"That's a lot of money!" Donghyuck panicked, but Mark shook his head and assured him that it was not.

"It isn't, but I don't have to pay until we leave either way so it's okay," Mark answered as Donghyuck made sure when Mark uses the bathroom or something, he will go down to the front desk to pay for the room.

The two walked into a decent sized hotel, not too expensive and was fairly modern. Mark nervously walked up to the front desk and told them the name and room they had booked.

"Here you are, room 119. Enjoy your stay," the lady at the desk handed Mark the key card as Donghyuck interlocked their fingers and walked through the hallways to find their room.

"I'll text Jeno to bring us some clothes," Donghyuck said as soon as they entered their room.

That was when Donghyuck remembered how Jeno stood up for him. He smiled at the thought as he called the blonde instead of texting.

"Hello?" Jeno answered.

"You didn't get yourself into trouble, did you?" Donghyuck asked instead of greeting his cousin.

"Nope. The coach wouldn't dare press charges after everyone at the game was a witness to what nasty shit he said to you. They threatened to tell the higher up's to make him lose his job," Jeno said.

Donghyuck sighed in relief, "thanks, Jeno."

"You don't have to thank me, Hyuck. We're cousins, but more importantly, you're my best friend and I won't stand by someone talking to you like that," Jeno honestly told him as Donghyuck smiled through the phone.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Donghyuck asked as Jeno tsked on the line.

"To think I'd just be appreciated for standing up for you but no. You only call me to ask for something, not thank me." Jeno sarcastically remarked jokingly.

"You already know, shit face. Now do me a favor please?"

"Fine, fine."

"I'm going to send you a location but I need you to bring me two or three pairs of clothes."

"Dude, did you run away?"

"No, no. I'm just going to stay with Mark for a bit today before going home. I have some explaining to do...with you as well but that can be for another day," Donghyuck answered as his bit his lip in anticipation.

"Alright, you don't have to force yourself. I'll be here whenever you're ready. I'll bring you those clothes soon. Oh and by the way? We still beat the other team's ass during the game,"

Donghyuck smirked, "Of course. We're superior."

After a few more minutes, the two hung up the phone as Jeno was on his way to bring Donghyuck his clothes to the hotel. Donghyuck finally had the chance to look around in awe. The outside of the hotel is very deceiving as compared to what the room inside looks like. Everything was very very clean, but of course, Mark took extra precautions and began to wipe everything down with the Clorox wipes he found under the sink for Donghyuck.

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