chapter 25

477 22 26

The last inning

It was a home game so their opposing team came from their high school to theirs in order to play. Donghyuck was pitching to Mark who was beside the opposing team's batter in a padded vest and a helmet with a glove in his right hand, ready to catch Donghyuck's pitch. The pink haired male gave Mark a look with a subtle nod which made the older understand where he was going to throw the ball.

Donghyuck lifted his left leg across his body, winding up his arm before quickly placing his leg down and throwing the baseball with force into Mark's glove, causing the batter to receive his third and final strike. Their team had several points in lead from the other school, which made Donghyuck smirk as the batter threw his bat down on the field, like a baby catching a tantrum for not being able to get what it wants.

"Better luck next time," Donghyuck stated with a shrug, blowing a bubble with his gum as the batter glared at him and pushed his way past Mark to go to the guest dugout with his teammates.

Mark always found Donghyuck hot when he played baseball. He really could not help himself. The rest of the game went by fast and ended with their team winning the game. Mark was proud of himself for completing his first baseball game and even hitting a home run during the second inning! Donghyuck was very proud of his boyfriend.

The team members of their high school and the opposing high school lined up to give each other a high five as a good sportsmanship gesture while saying "good game." Once they finished that, the opposing team left the field as Donghyuck's team stayed. Their coach has something to say to them.

"Good game today, fellas," the coach started. "Don't forget, we have another game next week so make sure you all attend practices throughout the week or else you won't be participating in the game."

The members of the teams nodded their heads and left the field to go to the locker room. Donghyuck had his arm around Mark's shoulder as they walked to the locker room together. Donghyuck was constantly complimenting Mark and telling the older of what a good job he did today as the chocolate haired male blushed like crazy.

"Thank you, Hyuckie," Mark giggle shyly as Donghyuck pressed his lips against his cheek.

Weeks had gone by, leading up to their last game of the season and final game of their high school career. Their second to last game had been at another school so this time they had a home game for their last one. Mark's parents were sitting in the bleachers waiting for the game to start and Donghyuck's parents....oh wait, they are not there.

In fact, Donghyuck did not even tell them about his last game of the year. A week ago, Donghyuck's father had beat him and yelled at him for coming home late and for not telling both him and his mother that he would be out. Like always, Donghyuck did not give him a response as he just continued walking to his room despite the newly formed bruises on his body. He doesn't need that right now, especially when his last game was approaching.

"It's our last game of the year," Jeno said as they were getting ready in the locker room.

"I'm sad that it is our last one," Mark pouted.

"We can still attend practices to help out the underclassmen, guys," Donghyuck responded but Mark pouted even more as he took his animated watermelon shirt off.

"It won't be the same as playing though," Mark whined as Donghyuck came closer, placing his cold hands on the older's bare waist which made the older shiver.

"I guess not, but we can do a little playing of our own. Doesn't that sound much better?" Donghyuck lowly said in a seductive whisper, having his lips nibble the older's ear lobe which made Mark's cheeks burn red.

"Thanksgiving passed, cuz," Jeno stated as Mark pushed Donghyuck away shyly, leaving the pink haired male to chuckle at his nervous boyfriend.

"I want my Christmas gift early though," Donghyuck smirked, his eyes sharpening on Mark who ran to use the bathroom.

"Hyuckie," Mark whispered, pulling the younger's uniform.

Their team was in the dugout, lined up to bat one by one for the last inning. It was almost Donghyuck's turn as Jeno was up currently. The younger turned around to look down at his boyfriend who had an uneasy expression on his face.

"What's the matter, babe?" Donghyuck asked, his voice laced with worry and concern.

"M-my calf his starting to hurt again," Mark honestly said as Donghyuck immediately got on his knees to raise Mark's padded pants just above his knee so that he can see his calf.

"Where baby? Tell me," Donghyuck asked as Mark guided the younger's hand to where he was feeling pressure.

"Mr. Perfectionist, you're up!" The coach yelled.

"Tell Sungchan to go before me," Donghyuck remarked as the coach shook his head.

"You're going now," he said as Donghyuck stood up, Mark giving him a look that is telling him he should go out there.

"I'm in the middle of taking care of something," Donghyuck sassed.

This was not the troublemaker and sarcastic Donghyuck the coach always had issues with. Now, Donghyuck was more demanding and serious and somewhat sassy. The coach was in shock.

"I don't care. You always give me a hard time! Your reputation is on the line for goodness sake!!" The coach said.

"Sungchan, go. Now," Donghyuck commanded as the boy nodded his head and went out with his bat while the pink haired male turned back to Mark.

"You little brat! You always get your way because you're spoiled! I have been nothing but understanding to you with your constant need with perfection, your attitudes, just everything! And I'm sick and tired of you using your dead sister as an excuse to get away with being an asshole! Life goes on, grow the fuck up already. She is dead! She won't come back! You should be ashamed of yourself. What would she think of you as? You're using her because you want attention! You don't care that she's actually gone because if you did, you wouldn't be acting this way! This is why your daddy beats you all the time!"

Donghyuck froze at the coaches words. He felt tears brimming in his eyes but immediately closed them to stop them from falling. He glanced around the dugout, noticing eyes were on him as everyone heard the coach ramble, even the people sitting in the stands. Donghyuck was embarrassed as a wave of anxiety rushed through his body. He met eyes with Mark's worried eyes and he could tell that his boyfriend is scared for what is about to happen.

But what actually happened next, was unexpected.

Before Mark could step in, Jeno came running to the dugout after being on the third base and overhearing what happened. He punched their coach in the face. Nobody talks to his cousin like that. It all happened too fast as Mark also shoved the coach away from Donghyuck despite his calf in pain, making him fall on the dirt with the impact of the punch and shove combined.

"You know nothing! How dare you speak on Donghyuck like that?!" Mark yelled with tears falling from his eyes.

Donghyuck was still too shocked to even move. It felt like he lost control of his body and lost all feel. His body felt numb, his hearing was beginning to sound muffled, his eyes were seeing tiny black dots that were getting larger and larger by the second. This was until he lost full consciousness from an anxiety attack he was trying his very best to hold in, but failed to as his body had rights over him.


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