chapter 3

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After about a half an hour later, Donghyuck left Jeno's house to go home across the street. In that last half hour, Jeno was nervous because of the way Donghyuck had acted, not saying a word since his remark about his father. He feels terrible for even bringing that up when he knew it was such a sensitive topic for the younger.

The words of his and Donghyuck's conversation still played in Donghyuck's head as the younger walked across the street to his front porch. The pink haired only stood quiet because it was true and he did not have a comeback for it. Why should he make a comeback anyway? It was no use lying to his cousin.

Donghyuck had thought about it for the last half hour he was in Jeno's room, laying on his bed and thinking...How would his father react to how late he'll be coming home?

Honestly, he should not be mad. He was at his cousin's house which, let alone, was across the street from his own house. It's a family member. It is not like it's a friend of his or anything that live on the other side of the city.

There is no need to fume at the teen. But his father never seems to comprehend that.

Sticking his key through the lock and twisting it, Donghyuck stepped inside his house. He kicked off his sneakers and headed straight upstairs to his room.

His room was very neat and clean, not single dust particle or dirt to be seen. His countless number of baseball trophies were sitting on his show case stand that was above the headboard of his bed. On the opposite side of his room was his desk, bookshelf, and dresser that was under the window.

His room was simple and neutral with a few posters of his ex favorite baseball teams on his wall and some posters of bands he listens to.

Right next to the entrance of his room was the door to his closet where he then took off his bag, placing it on the floor inside, and shook off his leather jacket and hung it up. His closest was in color order, starting from the lightest clothes—which were not that many— to the darkest clothes.

Inside his closet laid most of his extra baseball equipment that were neatly stacked against the wall on the left side. On the right side of his closet was wear his put his school bag and maybe a few books that did not fit on his bookshelf.

Once he finished getting situated, the pink haired teen decided to take shower before he begins to be nagged by his father. He reached for his pajamas, which were folded on the corner of his bed—a loose black t shirt and blue and black plaid pants. He made sure he remembered his undergarment before walking out of his room and into the bathroom.

Turning the shower nob on to get the warm water started, Donghyuck stripped off his clothes, noticing some strands of grass stuck to his leg from practice. He shriveled with disgust before stepped into the shower.

He poured a quarter size of shampoo on his hands before clasping them together and massaging his head, allowing the foaming bubble to trickle down his temple. He rinsed his hair and applied some conditioner into it, leaving it in for a few minutes as he washes the rest of his body.

He scrubbed his body roughly, making sure it get rid of the dirt or what felt like dirt. He washed his face and rinsed it, soon allowing his whole body to be underneath the flow of the water to let the conditioner wash out of his hair.

Shutting of the water when he finished rinsing his body, Donghyuck opened the shower curtain and yanked his towel from the rack to dry his body. He slid his clothes on once he finished and wrapped the towel around his neck so that the water droplets from his hair would not drip onto his shirt. He cannot sleep when his shirt is wet, it's very uncomfortable.

He dried his hair as much as he could when he arrived back inside his room. He moisturized his skin and the dried his hair some more to the point that it was not dripping anymore.

"Lee Donghyuck!"

The said teenager heard a shout from the living room downstairs. He huffed out a sigh and hung hit towel over the backrest of his chair before making his way downstairs.

Arriving in the living room, he met his father with his arms crossed and his mother sitting down— originally watching television but stopped once her now was present.

"You were late home," His father shot, glaring at his teenaged son who slowly lowered his head in fear.

"Dear, it's okay for you to be with Jeno. But can you please text us next time you do so instead of having to hear from your aunt?" Donghyuck's mother asked, but the teen stood quiet.

"Hey!!" His father shouted, causing Donghyuck to flinch and his heartbeat to accelerate. "Answer your mother when she speaks to you!"

"Yes." Was all Donghyuck responded with, head still hung low.

"You little-" Donghyuck's father raised his hand as if he was going to hit the pink haired which made Donghyuck jerk his body away in fright. Fortunately, no hit came. "Answer her correctly."

"I'll text you next time I stay with Jeno," Donghyuck spoke and his mother nodded.

"Go up and get some rest, dear. You have school tomorrow and it's almost eleven," His mother told him as he bowed to the both of them, wishing them a goodnight.

Donghyuck walked away, still hearing his father complain about him.

"We shouldn't save him dinner if that brat is going to be there all the time!" His father stated and his mother said nothing to defend her nice.

Truly though, Donghyuck was too tired to sass back at his father. He was mentally drained and Jeno kind of messed up his head with his remark, though it's not the order's fault completely.

He made is back to his room, plugging his phone in that was laying on his bed since he got there on the nightstand—in the dark because he was too lazy to turn on the lights— before crashing his body down onto the mattress. He let out a sigh before sticking his legs under the duvet and rested his head against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling as his thought cave him in.


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