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02.08 The brother's that care forgot



"Ah, hello, my love."

Aidynn glares daggers into the witch's face before turning to her Original friend. "What the fuck are they doin' here?"

"Well, Marcel and Hayley left us a gift last night after you went to bed. Kol and Finn." Klaus points to the men chained to the staircase, one scowling at her the other smirking as she looks at the table full of food.

"I can see them, Nik, but I didn't ask that, I asked why these shitheads are in my house."

"To have breakfast, of course." He states as he moves to Kol and untangles him from the stairs with the chains still on before doing the same to Finn when Elijah enters stoically. "Sit, brothers and sister."

Aidynn crosses her arms with a blank face. "No."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, no. I won't sit at a table with either of them, I don't befriend child abusers," She points to Finn before pointing at Kol. "Or traitors. I'd rather lick the underside of an unbathed hillbilly's foot."

The suited Original grimaces as he takes his chair and sips some coffee. "Ms. Parker, we're at the table, that's abhorrent."

"It's true." She shrugs and backs away.

"I said to sit."

"And I said no, Nik." She raises her voice, not even looking at the witch staring at her as she shoves the door open.

"We have beignets." Elijah calls and she freezes. "Apple cider with caramel drizzle."

She all but pounces on the seat as she scoffs. "Next time, lead with that."

"Well, now that that's out of the way." The Original huffs before starting a rant. "We arrive into this world as innocent's. Wide-eyed, vulnerable. It is the job of our parents to nurture and protect us. Unfortunately, our own parent's failed miserably at even the most basic of parental tasks. But, we are not beholden to the past they created for us. Today, a new future awaits. Forget your animosity toward Elijah, Aidynn, and myself."

Aidynn presses her finger to her cheek as she munches on the beignets at the head of the table with a smiling Kol on her left, which makes her eyes roll, and Elijah on her right next to Nik who's across from Finn. The hybrid sighs: "Get on with it 'fore I leave."

"Instead, join us against she who truly deserves your ire; our mother. Do this and we will welcome you with open arms!"

"Well-" The blond witch reaches for the plate of pastries only for it to move between Elijah and Aidynn with a small wave of her fingers, which makes him roll his eyes while Klaus chuckles.

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